Part 66:

234 10 0

(Y/N's POV)

44 players on each team, and two teams. Only one could win, and not all 44 would make it out alive. There was the automated voice counting down from 10 and players in runner stances, ready to sprint off to the middle and risk their lives to kill the other team for theirs.

"5... 4... 3... 2... 1."

The red team was fastest, player 257 making getting a shock ball first and throwing it at the guy from the opposite team also running for that basket. He fell and started spazzing out as the ball momentarily attached itself to him and then dropped, having shot out bolts of blue electricity. The man was dead on the ground. One guy from the blue team grabbed it, making sure nobody was aiming for him and threw it at who seemed to be the most agile and strong red player. The guy, however, missed, and the red saw him and dodged another ball before throwing the ball quickly towards his attempted killer and hitting him.

It went back and forth like this. When one player of the team died, the team would benefit because they would have another ball and get a chance to kill the person who caused the death of their teammate. And however bad a start the blue team got off to, they were now in the lead, having killed the leading red player as he was distracted by hurling a ball at another player. 257 was dead, which discouraged all of the other men up front and center. The blue team also had less women, and that meant the red team had less people playing. There were about 10 women, and they all held each other in the back, paranoid when they saw something shoot across the room. Every time a ball came at them, they'd scream and avoid it. The blue team was a different story, with only a pair of women hiding out and 3 more women actually participating. It reminded me of my childhood greatly.

One of the blue team members strategically threw at nobody, just straight across to where he knew the females would be. The man who happened to stumble in front of them blocked the ball from their sight, and when he avoided it, it was too late for some of the females to move out the way. One red woman was killed, which set off the others, and all of the men only dodged and aimed for them as they were easy targets. The red team took note and tried to hit the two females in the back of the blue team, but since there was only two, it was harder. This meant the blue team could go back to aiming at the now distracted red men, killing about 4. The main blue members seemed to be a trio of guys that always stuck together, their numbers indicating that they knew each other before as they were all ascending and consecutive. 361, 362, 363. 361 was the leader. He had bleached blonde hair and a distinct teardrop tattoo under his eye. He had went as far as to, without letting anyone else in on his strategy, steal a glove from one of the dead men in the back and throw two balls at a time. Some wimpy men would cautiously bring him some. The tally was about 33- 26 at 4 minutes in.

Thinking about the VIP's, which is something I didn't want to do, I bet they hadn't wagered on what looked like the strongest team. They probably just picked their favorite colors, and hopefully that was red. The stakes for winning and losing were an even 50/50, so that meant possibly less money for us, or whatever. I mean, I don't really control the gambling portion of this. I assume someone does, but I know it's not me.

It was brutal in the room. I even saw one blue member get fried by a member of his own team as he literally miscalculated his throw and hit the man who was too busy trying to aim at this guy he seemingly had some kind of rivalry with on the other team to pay attention. When the man, 502, fell, the man who hit him was instantly shocked (haha) and couldn't believe what he had done, freezing for a few moments as a cackling 438, the guy who 502 was throwing at, took his opportunity and shocked the clumsy man some more. I'm so funny.

I had to make myself laugh because I knew the VIPS were coming for the game after next. The game following this one would be pretty pointless to watch up close because it mainly focused on the fear of each player and didn't have much action. I didn't want them to ruin the time I spent with In-Ho because in the close to three days they were here, we needed to cater to them constantly for no reason, in my opinion. They're grown ass men. They can watch themselves.

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