Part 27:

895 16 7

⚠️TW: Hangover and the Front Man being slightly rough with Y/N (out of frustration)! ⚠️

(Y/N's POV)

I woke up to one of the most unpleasant feelings anybody could ever wake up to: the feeling of a hangover. My head was absolutely pounding, and even the small amount of light coming through my tiny window was too much for me. I felt like a vampire exposed to the sun.

I immediately covered my eyes and gripped my head. It was so painful. I laid in bed doing absolutely nothing but feel the pain for a minute before I heard a knock on the door. I just groaned, hoping whoever was on the other side would take that as a signal to enter. They did.

I heard a soft creak and the impact of heavy boots on my floor. Though my eyes were still covered, I knew it was the Front Man. There was a noise that told me he sat something down on my beside table, and then I felt clothed hands grip my wrist. What was he doing?

He gently guided hands away from my face, but I kept my eyes shut as tight as I could. I now could see a beige from the light making it's way through the thin skin covering my eyes and it made me turn my head and bury it in the pillow. I heard a deep groan of annoyance from the man beside me. He roughly grabbed the pillows from below my head and threw them across the room. He then pushed me onto my back as I let out noises of displeasure and discomfort. He didn't seem to care, and instead painfully grabbed me by the arms and yanked me into a more upright position. I whined and turned my head to the side that he wasn't on. I promptly felt his fingers on my cheek, which forced me to look in his direction.

"Open your eyes," he commanded.

I stubbornly kept them shut for a few moments, but decided to obey because I didn't want him to manhandle me again. I already felt horrible.

My the opening of my eyes incited very unwelcome sunlight to invade my pupils, and I blinked many many times to try to at least feel a percentage better than I did right now. It only felt slightly more bearable, but I could finally make out the black-masked man in front of me. He was now crouched down and a bit lower than eye level with me. He became less blurry as my eyes focused in. I also happened to notice the new objects on my night stand. It looked to be a pill or two along with a half filled glass of water with a few clustered cubes of foggy looking ice.

"You need to get yourself together. There are only two players left. It is the day of the final game," he explained.

My eyes widened slightly, and I rubbed the bridge of my nose. Yes, my memory was not all intact, but something about his previous statements seemed odd.

"No. There's three left," I claimed, knowing full well that 067, 218, and 456 all made it out of that dreaded glass game. I watched them all go back to their quarters.

"067 has been eliminated by player 218."

    My mind reeled. No. Sang-Woo killed 067? Why would he do that? She seemed so nice...

    He probably thought I was crazy because I had been staring at him for so long while pondering why on earth Sang-Woo would kill her. I knew at some point my friends had to die, but the thought didn't make it any easier to face when the time came.

    I didn't realize that a tear had come down my face until the Front Man reached out and slowly wiped it from my cheek. His hand gradually swiped it off my face, and I was still making piercing eye contact with the man. I saw him shake his head slightly before pulling his hand away and picking up the pill with this right hand and the glass of water with his left. He pushed his right towards me.

   "Take it."

    I finally looked down, and I shifted to allow my arm to straighten out and grab the small white circle. I could see it had some design on it, but I didn't even try to make it out. I popped it into my mouth and wrapped my hand around the glass to bring it to my lips. The cool water on my tongue felt so satisfying. There's nothing like ice cold water in the morning.

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