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I waited until the party had already been going for half an hour before I walked in. Kate was busy talking to Clint, they were smiling and laughing. I walked closer to them and poured myself a glass of wine, close enough that I could hear them but they couldn't tell I was eavesdropping. "Hey Ivy!" Kate said enthusiastically, seeing that I was at the party. "How do you like Yelena?"

"She's alright I guess." I took a sip of my wine and scanned the room for her. Kate noticed what I was doing and smiled.

"Well I'm sure you guys will get along soon enough." She patted me on the shoulder and walked back over to Clint to talk to him. I tried to hear what they were saying.

"What's the deal with her?" Clint said in a low voice, I clenched my jaw and waited to hear Kate's response.

"She was really close to our dad when she was young and he died, so, she won't let herself care about anyone that much anymore." Kate told him. I finished my wine and slammed the glass down onto the counter, great, so now three people knew my business. I walked over to Yelena slowly, she was talking to Natasha.

"To what do I owe you this pleasure?" Yelena asked me while rolling her eyes. I opened my mouth to say something but just stole her drink out of her hand instead. "Hey!" She exclaimed.

"Sorry, I really needed it." I handed her back the empty glass.

"Hold your horses, what's wrong?" I ignored Yelena and glared at Natasha who was listening to the conversation intently. "Oh, this is Natasha." She told me.

"I know who she is." I said coldly.

"Wow, what a warm introduction." Nat smiled at me sarcastically and took a sip of her drink. "Are you even old enough to be drinking?" She asked me.

"Yes I am, I'm 23, and it's none of your business anyway." I retorted. "Anyways Yelena, about what you were hinting at earlier." She smirked as she realized what I was talking about. "I could really use that right now." I said quietly so that Natasha couldn't hear me.

"Not now sweetheart, I'm talking to my sister." I bit my tongue to stop myself from saying something I would regret. "Can you wait?" She asked, I didn't answer. "I said can you wait?" It was more stern this time.

"Yes." I whispered quietly, this had never happened before. I was usually the one in charge of things.

"Good girl. I'll go get you when I'm ready." My stomach did flips, I wanted to get away from the feeling so I went to talk to Carol, she was drinking alone.

"Hey." She said to me, putting her glass down.

"Hi." I replied, smirking and also putting my glass down, she smirked back and leaned forward.

"What's a pretty girl like you doing over here?" She asked, raising her eyebrows. I shrugged.

"Maybe she saw another pretty girl." I eyes her up and down and bit my lip, she blushed and leaned forward.

"Alright Ivy, come with me." Yelena walked over and grabbed my wrist, taking me back to our shared room. "What the fuck was that?" She asked once she slammed the door behind us.

"What the fuck was what?" I asked her, gulping, why was I nervous?

"Why were you flirting with Carol?" She walked up to me so our faces were an inch apart, her breath fanned my lips, I tried my hardest to not let my eyes flicker downwards.

"Because I wanted to make you jealous sweetheart." She opened her mouth and moved slightly closer to me so our lips were a centimeter apart.

"You should've thought that through babygirl." My heart rate increased and my stomach did flips, what the fuck was happening? "Get on the bed, now."

"Actually, I'm usually on-"

"I said get on the bed, now." Her lips touched mine as she spoke, I obeyed and got onto the bed. She got into the bed on the other side.

"What are you doing?" I asked her.

"I'm going to sleep, isn't it obvious?" She smirked.

"But what about..." I got off the bed. "I'll sleep on the floor." I took a blanket and lied down on the floor.

"Come up here." She demanded; I rolled my eyes and got onto the bed, again.

"What do you want." I asked her, trying as hard as I could to keep my voice steady.

"I think it's pretty obvious." She leaned closer to me so our lips were once again, an inch apart.

"What are you doing?" I breathed out, looking down at her lips. She kissed me gently and then backed away, my mouth was patted open, waiting for more. "What the fuck!" I said. "a you can't just do that!" I exclaimed.

"Do what?" She asked while smiling.

"You can't just lead me on and then go to bed!" I said, frustrated.

"What, did you want more?" She asked me. "Because I can give you more." She got off the bed and walked over to me, smirking. I gulped and closed the gap between us, kissing her passionately. I felt a good burning sensation in my stomach, it was the alcohol I told myself. She kissed me back and pushed me down onto the bed, straddling me.

"Yelena." I breathed out, waiting for her to do something.

"Be a good girl and wait." She told me, kissing me passionately again, and then rolled off of me, I stared at the ceiling for five long minutes, trying to figure out what the fuck just happened. "Goodnight."


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