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"No." Yelena said simply. I got up quickly and ran to the compound, I heard her running after me so I locked myself in one of the restrooms in the hallway. "Ivy, get out of there." She said, pounding on the door.

"What's happening?" I heard Bucky ask.

"She's trying to kill herself." Yelena said, still pounding on the door, I grabbed a razor and dragged it across my wrist, I gasped at how fast the blood started to appear, I did it to the other wrist and sat down and waited to bleed out.

"Ivy, get out of there." Bucky said, joining in on the pounding on the door.

"What are you guys doing?" Wanda asked.

"Ivy's in there and she's trying to kill herself!" Bucky exclaimed, I heard the lock click and Yelena flung herself through the doorway.

"Oh no sweetheart, what did you do?" She asked, looking at all the blood on the floor. I was starting to get woozy so I just smiled. "Wanda, get Daisy in here!"

"No, I don't want Daisy to see this." I told her, readjusting myself against the wall.

"She can heal you." She pointed out, starting to clean up the blood that was on the ground, Bucky was sitting next to her, giving her the paper towels.

"What did you do?" Daisy gasped. I just smiled sweetly at her and she rushed forward, she put one hand on both of my arms and I felt the wounds heal quickly. "Ivy, what did you do?" She asked again softly. I kissed her on the top of the head and then rested my head against the wall. "Answer me!" She screamed, she had never been this loud before so it caught everyone off guard.

"I tried to kill myself." I answered simply, raising my eyebrows. Her eyes darkened with sadness and she launched forward to hug me, I hesitantly put my arms around her and let a single tear fall down my cheek.

"Why?" She sniffed. "I can't live without you."

"I'm sorry." I told her. "I just go through things." I said vaguely. "A lot and this just seemed like too much." I felt her nod against my shoulder and then she pulled herself off of me.

"What the hell happened here?" Harley asked, I sighed and got up, still feeling slightly woozy. Yelena grabbed my hand to help me stand up.

"I uh, I tried to kill myself." I told him. I looked around for Daisy but noticed that she wasn't there anymore.

"Oh." He said sadly.

"It's ok, it's not a big deal." I said. "I survived."

"It is a big deal!" He exclaimed. "You tried to end your life! You have a son, and Finn and Daisy!"

"Yeah, I've heard that before." I sighed, letting go of Yelena's hand and trying to walk away.

"I'm going to show you something." Harley said, grabbing my arm and guiding me to his room. "This is what you got Tony for Christmas." He said, gesturing to the screen on his wall.

"Oh." I whispered, I had forgotten that I had gotten him that.

"Every time we get a new Avenger, they get added to this-"

"I know how it works, I made it." I told him. "I also know the leader of the Avengers are always supposed to be the one that has it so you don't have to give me a whole rundown." I told him.

"Ok, well do you see how many people are grayed out?" He asked.

"Yeah, I do." I told him, looking at Kates grayed out smiling face.

"We don't need another one, ok?" He said firmly, I scoffed.

"The reason I didn't wasn't to hurt you guys, it was so I could be with them." I told him, he inhaled deeply and looked at the ground and then quickly looked back up. "Why do you even care so much anyways?" I asked him.

"Well, you're the one who let me onto the team. And you're one of Tony's children." He said while laughing. "So I care a lot about you Ivy, and I don't want to wake up one day to see your face grayed out." I sniffed and nodded.

"Well, for what it's worth, I don't want to see you grayed out either." He laughed and patted me on the shoulder.

"If you need to talk to anyone about anything to just cry, there's a whole ass building of people who would die for you. You can talk to anyone here."

"Thank you." I said softly, he smiled and pulled me in for a short hug.

"Well, I'll let you get back to Yelena." He said. "But we all care about you, don't do that again."

"Thank you, I won't."

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