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It was Christmas morning, I was cuddled up with Yelena on the couch in the lounge while everyone watched Finn and Daisy play with their presents. Tony had already put his present that I got him up on his wall, and he had thanked me thousands of times. "Thank you so much Ivy." Finn said, pouncing on me, I smiled.

"You're welcome." I said, he jumped off of me and sat down next to Daisy.

"I'm going to go get cookies." I said, getting off the couch and walking to the kitchen to get some christmas cookies that Wanda and Pietro had made together.

"Hey Ivy." Wanda said, I jumped and choked on the cookie.

"Geez, I was not expecting that." I said, putting my hand over my chest and taking the tray of cookies and sitting down next to her at the kitchen table. "These are good cookies." I said.

"Thank you." She said while laughing softly, I looked up and saw her staring down at the table.

"Are you ok Wanda?" I asked her, she nodded and looked back up at me. "Don't read my mind." I warned her as I felt a tingling sensation in my head.

"Fine, I just wanted to see if you had picked out a name for the baby." She said, shrugging.

"Yelena and I agreed that the first name wouldn't be named after anyone, but the middle name would." I told her, she nodded and took a cookie from the tray, I gave her a death glare.

"What, I made the cookies." She said.

"I know you made another secret batch that you have hidden in your room." I said in a low voice, taking the cookies back and shoving another one into my mouth.

"How did you know that?" She asked.

"I have my ways." I said, raising my eyebrows.

"Pietro!" She exclaimed.

"That's not fair, you can read minds!" I cried out, she laughed and tried to get another cookie.

"Damn, you really like those cookies."

"I'm a pregnant woman with a sweet tooth. Don't blame me." I said, she laughed and almost fell off her chair as Pietro sped in.

"I heard someone call my name." He said, looking at both of us with a confused expression.

"Oh, well, I found out that you told Ivy about my secret batch of cookies." Wanda said in a dangerous tone.

"Ivy, she wasn't supposed to know!" Pietro exclaimed.

"It's not my fault, she read my mind!" I exclaimed back, he crossed his arms and looked at Wanda with his eyebrows raised.

"You're not supposed to read peoples minds Wanda." He said, she laughed and stood up.

"It depends on the circumstances." She defended herself, Pietro and I laughed.

"Ok, well I'm going to go back to Yelena." I said. "Or she can come to me." I said as I saw her walk into the kitchen.

"Well, this looks like a party." Yelena said, reaching out her hand to take a cookie from the tray.

"Watch out, she would defend those cookies with her life." Wanda warned her.

"I'm actually going to let her take a cookie because she's nice to me." I said, Wanda raised her eyebrows and watched Yelena delicately pick up a cookie and take a bite out of it.

"You only let her take that because she fucks you." Wanda said. Pietro burst out laughing and fell onto the floor, I choked on my cookie and Yelena scoffed.

"She loves me." Yelena defended herself.

"Yes I do baby." I said, Wanda laughed and Pietro got up from the floor, still laughing. Yelena tried to take another cookie but I pulled the tray away. "But I think I love the cookies more." I said, she pouted and I sank down into my chair. "Fine." I said, handing her another cookie.

"They're mine now." Wanda said, using her magic to pick up the cookies and take them away from me.

"That's fine, I don't want anymore cookies right now anyways." I said, realizing that my craving had subsided.

"Well that wasn't as entertaining as I thought it was going to be." Wanda said in a disappointed voice.

"I'm going to sleep, on this table." I said, climbing onto the table and laying down. "Make sure that Finn and Daisy don't come in." I told them. Yelena climbed onto the table with me and put her arm over me.

"Fine, we're locking you in here." Pietro said, I was too tired to argue.


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