38 😏

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⚠️ SMUT kinda⚠️

"Good morning Ivy." Steve said to me as I walked out into the kitchen. "Are you feeling better?"

"Yeah." I breathed out heavily, getting myself a glass of water. "Do you know where Yelena is?" I asked him, it had been the first night we hadn't slept together in six months.

"She's in your guys's room." He said, I nodded and started walking towards my room. I opened the door and saw Pietro's present that he told me he had gotten me. I smiled and picked it up. It was a picture of me, Yelena, Kate, and Pietro making funny faces, in a beautiful white picture frame. I immediately hung it up on the wall and stared at it for a few minutes.

"Hey sweetheart." I heard Yelena whisper, she wrapped her arms around me gently from behind and rested her head on my shoulder.

"Good morning to you too." I said, turning around in her arms and hugging her. She kissed the top of my head and then my lips.

"I missed you." She mumbled against my lips. I smiled and she deepened the kiss, she gently pushed me down onto the bed and started kissing down my neck. I let out a light moan and reached for her hand. She took off my shirt, with my consent of course and started kissing all the new scars I had gotten the previous week. "You're so beautiful." She whispered, making her way down to my waistband. I let out loud moaned as she left little marks down my stomach. Once she took off my pants, I froze. "Are you ok sweetheart?" She asked me, leaving gentle kisses on the inside of my thighs. I suppressed breathy moans and bit my lips.

"Uh, yeah." I said hesitantly.

"It's ok if you don't want to do it, just say so." She said, looking me in the eye and kissing my cheek. I didn't respond so she kissed my cheek again and put on my clothes for me. I was zoned out and staring at the wall. "Sweetheart, talk to me." She pleaded. I turned back to her with a frown on my face. "Talk to me." She said again.

"After what they did to me, I don't think I'll be ready to do that kind of thing for a while." I said softly, she nodded and pulled me in for a long hug.

"It's ok." She whispered into my ear. "It's ok." She repeated as we gently walked back and forth. I pulled away slowly and got off the bed.

"Thank you for understanding." I said while giving her a fake laugh. She smiled and grabbed my hand, gently rubbing it with her thumb. I awkwardly pulled my hand away and walked out the door.

"Hey Ivy." Peter said enthusiastically. "Um, what are you doing?" He asked.

"I was just going to go to the lounge." I explained, he nodded and Yelena came up behind me and put her arm around my shoulders. "Hey, do you want to watch a movie with us?" I asked him. He nodded eagerly.

"I'll go get Pietro too, if that's fine with you." He said, pointing to Pietro's room. I nodded and he came back with Pietro. We went into Peter's room for privacy, and because it was the biggest.

"So, what move are we watching?" Pietro asked, flopping down onto the bed beside me. Yelena was on my right, Pietro was on my left and Peter was lying down next to Pietro. Even with four people on the bed we only took up half the space.

"Um, I don't know. Does anyone have any suggestions?" Peter asked, grabbing the remote and turning on the tv.

"Clueless." Yelena suggested.

"That's so girly!" Pietro and Peter said at the same time. "What about something for boys and girls. Like...The Vampire Diaries?" Pietro continued.

"That's a fair statement." I said, we all nodded and Peter started the movie. We laughed and winced at the funny and painful parts. I had rested my head on Yelena's shoulder and was cuddled up so close to her that I was practically on top of her.

"Are you scared?" She teased.

"I am not scared!" I said, backing away from her. "I just like you're body warmth." I said more quietly, she laughed and kissed my forehead. After watching the show for a few hours, I had closed my eyes and had started drifting off to sleep with my head rested on Yelena's shoulder.

"Good night sweetheart."

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