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I waited for Natasha to leave, then I got off the counter and went back to my room. I slammed the door to the bathroom and locked it, picking up the razor. "Ivy!" Natasha banged her fist on the door, shit she had followed me in here.

"I'm using the bathroom!" I lied, dragging the blade across my wrist.

"I know you're not!" She pounded on the door again, jiggling the doorknob.

"I would appreciate it if you didn't listen to me peeing!" I exclaimed, starting to clean the deep cuts. I pulled my sleeve down once I got the wounds to stop bleeding. I opened the door and saw an angry Natasha.

"You gonna tell me what's going on?" She asked.

"Did you seriously just ask that question?" I scoffed, she rolled her eyes.

"Show me your wrists." She said, looking at my sleeves, I shook my head. She tried to pull me in for a hug but I pushed her away. "Come on Ivy, you know you need a hug." I knew she was right.

"I want Yelena, can you get her in here?" I asked, sniffing.

"I'm sorry, I can't." She apologized. "Everyone's in a meeting."

"What is the meeting about that's so important?" I asked.

"I can't tell you that." She said, I rolled my eyes and lied down on my bed. "But I need you to show me your wrists." She grabbed my arms forcefully and tried to pull up my sleeve.

"Why the fuck do you need to see my wrists so badly?" I asked, pulling away from her and rolling off the bod onto the floor.

"Just let me see." She said softly, walking over to me, helping me back up onto the bed. She grabbed my wrists and I let her pull my sleeve up this time. "That's really deep." She said, tracing the fresh cuts, I winced and pulled away.

"Don't do that." I said harshly, pulling away.

"Sorry." She whispered. "You really shouldn't do that."

"I've heard that a lot." I grunted while getting up, I opened the door to leave but she stopped me.

"Well it's true, it breaks Yelena's heart whenever she knows you've done it." I turned around and saw the sad look on her face.

"How do you even know?" I asked her.

"I'm her sister, she talks to me about things." She shrugged, I rolled my eyes and walked out the door. "I still have to watch you, you know." She said. I stéarates jogging towards the office, I broke open the doors with Natasha behind me.

"Oh, hey Ivy. You weren't invited to the meeting for a reason you know." Tony said, clapping his hands together. "Unless, you want to join in on the meeting." He said after he saw the look on my face.

"One minute." Yelena said, getting up from her seat and leading me out of the room. "How are you feeling?" She asked me.

"Pretty good actually, based on the circumstances." I tilted my head.

"What are the circumstances?" She asked. "Oh yeah." I smirked at her as she realized it was a dumb question.

"So what is the meeting about?" I asked her.

"I can't tell you that." She said.

"Why not? It's an Avengers meeting. I'm an Avenger. Everyone knows what it's about except for me." I pointed out. "I mean, hate to act like a child but I feel a little excluded." I pouted.

"Yelena, we need you back in here." Tony said.

"I'm joining the meeting." I exclaimed.

"What, no you're not supposed to be in here." Clint said, I rolled my eyes. "Look, this meeting is for people who can actually control their emotions and not want to go on a murderous rampage every time they get their feelings hurt."

"Has anyone ever told you that you're a dick?" I asked him, he shook his head.

"I have a question for you Ivy." He said.

"Shoot." I said happily, fake smiling.

"What can you do without a sword?"

"I see what you're getting at, what can you do without a bow and arrow?" I countered, he laughed.

"I'm a trained assassin. I can win a fight without a bow and arrow." I rolled my eyes at his cocky smile. "But what can you do without a sword?" He repeated.

"Well, if you give me a knife, a bow and arrow, a gun, a bobby pin, I mean I could kill someone with anything actually, thanks Clint." I said. "But my favorite fight is when I hunt down innocent people and kill them because I lost someone important to me. And I think you can relate to that a lot. So shut your damn mouth, we're more alike than you think." He rolled his eyes.

"Just get the hell out, you weren't invited here."

"Is that you're best comeback? Because that was really sad." I said, everyone was just listening to us bicker. I closed my eyes for a second and felt a piercing pain where my heart was, and opened my eyes. I saw an arrow sticking out of it. "Wow, you really are a dick."

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