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I opened my eyes and saw that I was surrounded by a blue horizon. "What the fuck." I whispered, grunting as I got up. I looked to my right and saw a large house, I ran to the door and knocked. "Is anyone home?" I asked.

"Yeah, hold on a second." I heard Tony's voice come from the other side of the door. "Nice to see you again kid." He pulled me in for a hug.

"Am-am I dead?" I asked him.

"Yes." He said shortly.

"For real this time?" I asked. He nodded and smiled sadly. "H-how?" I asked.

"Well, a bomb hit your car and you were already injured pretty badly. And then someone punched you in the face, and you were dead."

"So I died by getting punched in the face?" I asked him, he nodded. "That's pretty lame."

"Well, we can say it was the bomb." He said, moving out of the way so I could step inside the house. "I was waiting for you to wake up, you were lying down out there for like 20 hours."

"Oh, so my funeral is going to be soon then?" I asked him.

"It's going on now." He said. "Want to watch?" He asked, I nodded slowly and all of a sudden Kate, Pietro, Peter, Tony, and I were standing in a line with the rest of the Avengers.

"Can they see us?" I asked Tony.

"No." He said simply, we all stood in a line and held hands.

"We're you guys there for your own funeral?" I asked, they all nodded, I smiled sadly and watched as Yelena started talking while holding a smiling Anthony. I felt an aching pain in my chest as I realized it would be tears before I would see any of them again.

"Ivy Grace Bishop." Yelena read aloud. "December 15th 2002, July 23, 2027. Back home with the friends I knew." I smiled sadly at the epitaph they had chosen for me. I quickly frowned as Yelena started sobbing, Kate squeezed my hand and I turned to look at her.

"Do you want to go back now?" She asked me.

"If we go back at I able to see them again?" I asked her.

"You're allowed to see them anytime you want, you just have to wish for it." She said softly.

"Then we can go." I said, nodding slowly, I took a deep breath and closed my eyes, and we were all back at the house.

"Do you wish you were back down there with them?" Peter asked me, I nodded and he laughed softly. "It's kind of funny isn't it? Last time we saw you, you wanted to stay with us but now you want to go back down with them."

"Well, I've never really been able to get what I want." I told him, he smiled and patted my shoulder.

"Well, I'm glad that I get to see you again." He said softly, I nodded and smiled sadly. I turned around and saw Kate standing there.

"You know, I had to live without you for two years." I told her, she nodded. "Those were the worst two years of my life." She laughed. "I wouldn't have gotten through it without any of you guys." I said, gesturing to Tony, Peter, and Pietro. "But then I lost all of you too. And all I had was Yelena, and now I left her."

"You didn't choose to leave her." Tony pointed out.

"Oh, I met Harley!" I told him excitedly, remembering that he wanted me to meet him.

"I know." He said, smiling.

"Do you guys know when people are going to die?" I asked them.

"No." Pietro said.

"Why are we the only ones here? Shouldn't there be a lot more dead people?" I asked him.

"Well, I can't really answer that question but I think it has something to do with the fact that we're a family." Pietro said in his thick Sokovian accent.

"Oh, ok. And, do we get to do anything we want up here?" I asked.

"So many questions, and an eternity to learn." Pietro laughed. "Typical." I laughed with him.

"Well I mean, obviously not an eternity on Earth." I pointed out.

"But now we have forever." Kate said.

"We can watched over everything that happens with the Avengers." Peter said excitedly. "We can see what happens with them for the next hundreds of years."

"Oh, ok." I said in an unenthusiastic voice. I quickly put on a smile.

"What?" Tony asked, leaning against the wall.

"I've missed you guys so much." I said, a tear slipping out of my eye.

"We know." Kate said, letting out a small laugh. "We've missed you too."

"I'm glad to see you guys again." I said with a sad smile, they all smiled back at me, not seeing the pain in my eyes.

"Are you ok, Ivy?" Kate finally asked.

"Of course I am, I'm with you." I said, looking around at everyone, their smiles widened and we all took a few steps forward.

"What is it?" Peter asked.

"I used to think I would never get a happy ending." I said simply. "I went through so much pain. But if this is what the ending is. I don't regret a single thing."

"Are you happy now?" Tony asked, I smiled at him and then looked around at everyone else. It took my a while to answer, but I eventually did.

"I have no reason to not be."

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