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The next morning, everyone was in the kitchen eating breakfast. "Where's Finn?" I asked everyone.

"He's still sleeping." Tony said.

"Im going to go wake him up." I said, standing up. It was nine thirty, he could get up now. "Finn." I said, knocking on his door.

"Hi." He mumbled from inside the room. I opened the door and saw him fully dressed with messy hair and tired eyes.

"Everyone's eating breakfast, come on." I said, he nodded and I led him into the kitchen. He sat down next to Peter and Peter gave him the rest of the leftover breakfast.

"Hey sweetheart." Yelena said, kissing my cheek and putting her hand on my thigh. "How did you sleep?" She asked.

"Pretty well, actually." I said, smiling and giving her a quick peck on the lips. She blushed and turned back to the table.

"So what's on the agenda today, are there any missions?" Clint asked, drumming his fingers on the table.

"No, there's no missions." Tony said, but we need Yelena, Peter, Pietro, and Ivy in the meeting room now. Everyone he called stood up and followed him into the meeting room.

"So why did you need us?" Pietro asked, slouching down in his chair.

"Well, I'm sending you guys to save the other Hydra experiments." Tony said quietly.

"Wait, there are other Hydra experiments?" I asked.

"According to Finn, his brother Hugo-"

"Hugo's dead. Finn told Peter and I when we came back to the compound." I said, Peter nodded and Tony looked down at the ground.

"Ok, well he also said there was another younger girl." Tony said.

"Did he say how much younger?" I asked.

"About eight years old." Tony said.

"Oh, well, yeah, we need to get her out of there." I agreed. "Why didn't we see her when we were there yesterday?" I whispered.

"Probably because she was where she was supposed to be." Peter said. "Finn had escaped his area, she's probably still in it."

"Exactly, so I need you guys to go back down there and find that area and bring her back to us." Tony said, looking at me when he said it. "Unless you don't want to go back."

"It's fine, I agreed to being kidnapped again, I can go down there to save an eight year old girl." I said, standing up. Tony nodded and everyone else stood up too.

"So tomorrow, you guys leave at eight o'clock sharp." Tony said. We all nodded and headed for the door.

"Oh, Tony." I said, grabbing his arm to stop him from leaving.

"Yes?" He asked.

"When we got here yesterday, Finn said he wanted to be an Avenger." I stated.

"Ok?" He said, confused.

"So, would you let him?" I asked.

"Oh, well not now. But I let Peter join the team when he was sixteen. So when he's older but we need to train him and make sure he understands the responsibility." Tony said while shrugging.

"Ok. Well that's all I wanted to ask you." I said, giving him a quick smile and walking away.

"Oh Ivy, when you're down there tomorrow, you have my permission to kill every last one of them." Tony said.

"I didn't think I needed permission." I said, we smiled at each other and then I left.

I caught up with Yelena and we walked back to the kitchen together. "Did Mr. Stark tell you about the mission?" Finn asked.

"How did you know about the mission?" I asked him.

"Well, he ran it by me first. Because I know my way around there, I wanted to go but he wouldn't let me." He said, sighing. "But I got to pick who went." He said with a quick mood change.

"Oh." I whispered, patting him on the shoulder. "So do you know what what they did to the other girl?" I asked him.

"Um, she can heal people." He said loudly. "Her name is Daisy. She's really nice, we were friends. I tried to help her escape but I wasn't able to." He said sadly.

"Well, we'll come back with her tomorrow." I said, looking up and Peter and Pietro who were giving me reassuring smiles. I felt a sudden surge of affection for the two, they had always been there to support me and they were the best friends I had ever had, and I was very grateful for them.

"Thank you." He said excitedly, jumping up and hugging me. I hesitantly put my arms around him and held him for a few seconds. "This is the best day of my life." He said.

"Oh." I whispered, slightly smiling down at him.

"Are you ok Ivy?" Yelena asked, putting her hand on my shoulder.

"Yeah, I'm fine." I said, relaxing and looking back up at Pietro and Peter who were looking at me with concerned faces. "I just zoned out." I explained, they nodded and looked back down at Finn.

"Well, better get ready for the mission." Pietro said. "It takes a while to get ready and doesn't hurt to be prepared." I nodded in agreement before saying.

"All right, let's go."

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