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"Ok, Ivy." Clint said, everyone was playing truth or drink in the lounge.

"Yes, Clint?" I asked, ready to take a sip by the tone of his voice.

"When was the last time you had sex?" He asked, everyone laughed and I smiled, leaning back.

"Three days ago." I replied, everyone smiled and I saw Yelena smirk from across the room. I put my hand on my thigh. "Ok, Tony." I turned to him. "Have you ever been cheated on?"

"No." He replied simply. "All my exes have loved me too much." He smiled and everyone laughed. "Now Ivy."

"Why are you asking me something again?" Everyone was smirking at me and I realized what the question was going to be. I had moved into the Avengers Compound three weeks ago, so I had to have had sex with one of the Avengers.

"Who did you have sex with?" He asked, I took a sip of the beer and smiled. "Come on!" He said, slapping his thigh. "Tell us! We're not going to judge you!" I smiled again and took another sip. I glanced at Yelena and she was smirking playfully.

"Come on Ivy, tell us. I love to hear the gossip." Thor said in his deep voice. "Was in Natasha?" He asked.

"No." I replied, Natasha laughed from across the room.

"Was it Wanda?" I shook my head. "Was it Carol?" I shook my head again. "Oh my God." He said while looking at Yelena. "It was Yelena." I blushed and looked at the ground.

"You fucked Yelena!" Tony exclaimed.

"That's right." Yelena leaned back in her seat and smirked.

"Well, who's top and who's bottom?" Tony asked, I rolled my eyes and took another sip, leaning back and crossing my legs.

"She's obviously the bottom." Yelena answered, she saw the look on my face. "Aren't you babygirl?" She leaned forward, with her mouth parted, waiting for me to answer. I nodded and everyone laughed, my face heated up and my stomach got hot. I scratched the back of my head and gulped. "Good girl." She said in a satisfied voice, my stomach did flips and I let out a shaky breath.

"Ew." Natasha said from across the room, she had a disgusted look on her face, so did Kate. "Can we stop talking about my little sister being a top?" She asked.

"Yeah, and can we stop talking about my sister being like the biggest bottom in the world?" Kate asked, I stared at the floor.

"Fine but it's really fun teasing her." Clint said while laughing. I could feel Yelena's gaze burning into the top of my head, I looked up and saw her smirking with a playful look on her face.

"Oh no, what's happening now." Bruce saw the look on Yelena's face and got up. "I'm gonna go."

"I'm with you." Steve and Peter said at the same time. They both got up and left, we all laughed and I took another sip of my beer.

"So are you two like a thing or have you just hooked up?" Tony asked.

"We're together." Yelena said while smiling, I looked up and smiled at her. Kate and Natasha were also smiling while looking at each other.

"I am actually very surprised." Tony stood up. "The kinky bitch and the bottom bitch. Perfect, but I really never expected it to happen." He walked over to me and patted me on the shoulder. "How is she in bed?" He asked me.

"I'm not going to answer that question." I told him, Clint nodded across the room.

"Yeah, please don't make her answer that." Natasha said with a disgusted look on her face.

"When I'm in my room I can hear her moaning." Wanda said suddenly. "It's very loud." She took a sip of her drink and I blushed, wanting to get out of this situation.

"And that's my queue to leave." Kate got up and left, Clint followed after her, so did Thor.

"I'm going to leave too." I got up but Tony stared me down. "Why do I have to answer questions about my sex life."

"Yeah, she doesn't have to answer any of them." Yelena stood up and walked over to Tony, pulling him away from me.

"Thank God." Natasha whispered, the disgusted look leaving her face.

"Come on baby, let's go to bed."

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