7 😏

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⚠️ SMUT ⚠️

"I love you." I breathed out. Right as I said it I knew that it was the most honest thing I've ever said. She smiled and kissed me passionately, the kiss was breathtaking. We pulled away, putting our foreheads against each other.

"I love you too." She whispered, she ran her hands up and down my arms, breathing heavily. She pulled away and wiped the remaining tears from my face, kissing my forehead protectively.

"I'm so sorry." I whispered. "I was trying to shut you out because I didn't want to care." She nodded and smiled.

"It's ok, it's ok, you're ok." Yelena nodded and smiled happily with tears in her eyes.

"Why are you crying?" I asked her.

"I'm happy." She stated simply before kissing me again, I deepened the kiss and she licked my bottom lip, asking for entrance. I granted it, parting my lips slightly. I moaned softly as I felt her tongue explore my mouth.

"Hi ladies, oh my God." Natasha walked into the room and cleared her throat. "I'm sorry I interrupted your make out session." Yelena pulled away, I stared at her lovingly while she started talking to Natasha. "Ivy, why are you looking at my sister like that?"

"Uh...sorry what?" I stammered, Yelena smirked and Natasha laughed.

"Well never mind, I'll leave you two alone." She shut the door and left us alone.

"It's just you and me babygirl." She whispered, my breath hitched and I moved over to the bed, laying down. She climbed on top of, straddling me. She kissed me passionately again, then started kissing my neck, leaving small marks the whole way down. "Can I?" She asked while sitting up, pointing to my shirt.

"Yes." I breathed out, not being able to look away from her, she took my shirt off for me and  kissed down my stomach, I reached for her hand and she gladly took mine, intertwining our fingers. "Yelena." I let out a breathy moan as she pulled down my shorts and underwear.

"You're so beautiful." She said, looking into my eyes. She kissed me again, it was full of emotion, I kissed back hungrily and moaned loudly as she slipped two fingers inside of me.

"Lena!" I cried out, she smirked and kissed my neck sloppily while slowly pumping her fingers into me. "Fuck." I whispered, with my free hand I gripped the bedsheets. "Yelena!" I screamed. She stopped kissing my neck and went back to my lips. "I love you." I mumbled against her lips.

"I love you too sweetheart." She mumbled back. I released and continued to lie down, breathing heavily, sweating. She lied down next to me. "Come here." I rolled over and tangled our legs together. She put her arm around my shoulders and kissed the top of my head, putting the covers over our naked bodies.

"This is nice." I whispered, burying my face in her chest. She laughed, I sighed happily and held her tighter.

"Have you not cuddled with anyone before?" She asked me.

"Well only Kate when we were little." I admitted. "I've never had someone I was close enough with to do it. But I guess there was someone, a few years back." I said quietly.

"Who?" She asked.

"Her name was Quinn. I think I cared about her a lot, just didn't realize it." I whispered, I felt her inhale deeply. "I'm tired." I mumbled groggily.

"You can sleep babygirl." She said, playing with my hair. I closed my eyes and tried to fall asleep, but it wasn't working, I rolled off of her and got up to get my clothes back on. I tossed her her clothes too and then went to the bathroom. I stared at my wrist, frowning. It was red and irritated.

"Ivy, are you coming back?" She asked.

"Yeah." I walked back over to her and lied down on the bed, a few inches away from her.

"What's wrong sweetheart?" She asked me, turning on her side so she could see me better, brushing the hair out of my face. She saw me looking at my wrist and grabbed my hand, then kissed my wrist lovingly. I blushed and pulled my wrist away. "You're cute when you're flustered." She whispered quietly. I rolled over and put my head into her chest again. "We should probably get up." She tapped my shoulder, we both got up and walked out of the room, I saw Kate in the hallway and ran over to her.

"Hey, did you tell her?" She asked me, I nodded while smiling. "Oh my God Ivy, did you two have sex again?" She asked, I nodded again.

"Come on sweetheart." Yelena said from across the hallway, just now realizing I had gone to talk to Kate.

"Thank you for convincing me to tell her." I said to Kate, then I walked away. "Ok, I'm here." I said, we walked together to the kitchen, hands brushing against each other. Yelena hooked our pinkies and we walked into the kitchen where Natasha, Wanda, and Peter were sitting.

"Did you two have a fun time?" Natasha asked us, smirking.

"Yes we did." Yelena smirked back.

"What did you do?" Peter asked innocently. Wanda was smirking at us too, she had read our minds and found out.

"We just had a lot of fun." Yelena said, sitting down next to Natasha.

"Hey guys." Tony walked in. "We have another new recruit." Everyone smiled at hearing this. "His name is John Faley." My jaw dropped.

"The guy from New York?" I asked him. "From Brooklyn?" He nodded. I bit my tongue and looked down at the ground.

"Is, is there a problem, Ivy?" He asked, taking a few steps towards me. "Ivy?" He put a hand on my shoulder, trying to get me to look at him.

"What's happening? Ivy, are you alright?" Yelena rushed over to me.

"Um, I need some water." I whispered, Yelena handed me a glass of water.

"So is that a no on the new recruit?" He asked. Yelena nodded for me. "Ok, but are you going to tell us about him Ivy, or no?" He asked me.

"He's the one that killed my dad."

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