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I anxiously bounced my leg as I waited for Kate to get back. I waited in the kitchen, which was right by the front entrance. "Why are you so stressed?" Yelena walked in and poured herself a cup of coffee while eyeing me suspiciously.

"Kate is on a date with Pietro and I kind of convinced Pietro to ask her out and I'm waiting for them to get back so I can ask both of them how it went." I explained quickly.

"But if you're waiting right by the door that's going to be really suspicious sweetheart." I frowned and she walked over to me and messed up my hair before kissing the top of my head and sitting down next to me.

"I wasn't going to ask them right away." I said in an embarrassed voice.

"Yes you were." She whispered, patting me on the shoulder.

"Are you accusing me of lying?" I asked in an offended voice.

"I know when you lie sweetheart." She said, taking a long sip of her coffee. I shook my head. "But I like it when you're embarrassed, it's cute." I blushed and turned back to the door.

"They should be back any minute, they went out over an hour ago." I whispered, I looked out the window but still didn't see a car pulling in. "Ugh, this is torture." I dropped my head down onto the table and it made a loud slamming sound. "Ow." I said while laughing and clutching my forehead.

"Are you ok?" Yelena grabbed my face gently and checked my forehead. "Aw, you have a bruise." She kissed it sweetly and gave me a hug. I heard the door open and quickly pulled away.

"Hi Ivy, oh my God why is your forehead purple?" Kate asked as she dropped her keys onto the table.

"Long story." I said.

"No, it's not." Yelena said from behind me.

"Don't tell her-"

"She slammed her forehead on the table because she was waiting for you two to get back from your date." She said.

"I'm really surprised I've never told you to shut the fuck up." I said as I stood up and kissed the top of Yelena's head.

"I love you too." She said while laughing. I grabbed Kates arm and dragged her across the room as Yelena talked to Pietro.

"How did the date go?" I asked her, she shrugged and blushed. "Come on Kate." I playfully punched her shoulder.

"I really like him, Ivy. And I want to go out with him again." I smiled happily with her and we jumped up and down. "I'm going to ask him if he wants to go out again on Wednesday." I nodded.

"Hey, hey, Pietro." I walked over to him. "How did it go?" He smiled and we did an awkward handshake.

"It went really well." He said, smiling. "I mean she's really cute and I enjoy talking to her a lot. I definitely want to go out again." He said, staring at Kate as she looked down at her phone.

"Ok, well I'm going to go back to Yelena." I said awkwardly, he gave me a thumbs up and I ran back to Yelena. "They both like each other, my sister might finally get a boyfriend!" I said while jumping into her and hugging her. She caught me and hugged me tightly, giving me kisses on the cheek.

"Wow, you're really excited." She said while smiling warmly at me.

"Well, I haven't exactly been the nicest to my sister basically our whole lives. And I'm glad that she's happy." I said, breathing heavily. I held on to her tightly and rested my head on her chest. "I'm going to lie down for a little bit."

"Ok sweetheart." She walked over to the bed and put me down.

"I'm really tired." I whispered, closing my eyes and breathing heavily still.

"Ok, I'll turn the lights off so you can sleep babygirl." She kissed my forehead and reached for the light switch.

"Wait no." I lazily slapped her hand away.

"Are you feeling alright Ivy?" She asked, getting onto the bed and sitting beside me. I nodded.

"Yeah, yeah, I just want the lights on." I sat up and grabbed my head as I felt a dull throbbing. "Shit." I mumbled.

"What is it sweetheart?" She asked me, placing her hand on the side of my face worriedly, scanning my face for emotion. "Sweetheart, what's wrong?" She whined.

"I hit my head really hard and now I have a migraine." I whispered and grabbed my head again. "Please get me some Tylenol." I pushed off her hand and waited for her to come back with Tylenol.

"Here you go babygirl." She handed me the Tylenol and some water. I popped the pills and rolled over so I was closer to her. "Do you want me to stay with you?" She asked, rubbing my back.

"Yes please." She lied down next to me and I put my arm over her, pulling her closer. "Baby?"


"Can you turn the lights off for me?" I asked her, she reached for the lights and turned it off. "Thank you." I held her tightly and shut my eyes tightly, not wanting to see any light. "It hurts so bad." I whined as the throbbing got worse.

"It's ok sweetheart." She rubbed my back and kissed the top of my head. "I'm here, it's ok." I calmed down at the sound of her voice and unclenched my muscles. I took deep breaths until I fell asleep.

"I love you."

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