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The next day, I woke up on the edge of the bed, Yelena was already awake. "Morning sleepyhead." She said, putting on her jacket. I didn't respond, just got up off the bed and grabbed my clothes to change. "Wow, someone's not a morning person." She told me once I had finished changing.

"Shut up." I said coldly. "Sorry." I immediately regretted saying it.

"It's alright." She grabbed my hand, dragging me out of the room, to the kitchen. Kate and Natasha were talking while sitting on the counter. "Please don't be a bitch to my sister." Yelena asked.

"Ok." I said while looking her in the eyes, too distracted to say anything else. I hopped up onto the counter next to Yelena. I smiled back at Kate once she smiled at me. Natasha also smiled at me, so I smiled back. Kate looked excited, I internally sighed and sat there next to Yelena, not knowing what to do.

"So, Ivy, how are you adjusting to the compound?" Natasha asked me kindly.

"It's going well. I'm glad I have a good roommate." Yelena smiled at me and Kate raised her eyebrows and her lips twitched as she tried not to smile.

"Well, I'm flattered." Yelena said in her thick Russian accent, we all laughed and I got off the counter to get myself some water.

"Ivy, what's that?" Kate hopped off the counter and walked over to me quickly with a worried look on her face.

"What's what?" I asked her nervously, trying not to let my sleeve slip up.

"On your wrist." I looked back at Yelena and Natasha, Yelena looked sympathetic and Natasha looked confused.

"Oh. Um, I did it again." I whispered to her, she frowned. "But it's fine, Yelena helped me, she kissed it better." I assured her. "Kate, don't worry, ok. I won't do it again." I promised her.

"Ok." She whispered, she silently thanked Yelena and then sat down next to Natasha.

"Is someone going to explain to me what's going on?" Natasha asked. My breath hitched and Yelena put her hand on top of mine, squeezing it.

"It's nothing." I said quietly, she narrowed her eyes and then nodded. I could tell she understood but noticed I didn't want to talk about it. Tony walked by us and I jumped off the counter to go talk to him.

"Hey." He said unenthusiastically.

"Sorry that I wanted to ask you something." I said coldly.

"Ok, you know what, no one asked for your attitude!" He said loudly.

"Well, I didn't ask to be alive but sometimes things happen that we have to fucking deal with!" I said, matching his volume. I turned back to Yelena and she hopped off the counter, I walked away before she could say anything to me.

"Ivy!" She called after me, I sped up and walked into our room, trying to get into the bathroom to lock the door but she grabbed my wrist, making me turn around to face her.

"I don't want to talk right now, Yelena." I ripped my wrist out her grasp and walked away, to Kates room. She was already in there by the time I got there.

"Kate, I have a problem." I said, fighting back tears.

"I know." She said. "I'm so sorry that you feel that way Ivy."

"No, it's not that." I deeply inhaled before telling her.

"What is it then?" She patted the space on the bed next to her, wanting me to sit down. So I sat down next to her and the words came flying out of my mouth.

"I love her." I said.

"You love her, who...Yelena?" She asked me.

"Yes." I said in a strained voice. "I love Yelena." She smiled at me. "No, no, it's not that kind of love. I'm...Kate, I'm in love with her." I admitted, the smile fell from her face. "I don't know what to do about it. I can't tell her." She grabbed my face gently.

"Yes, you can tell her. I'm sure she feels the same way! You and her are very alike and the way you two interact. Even Natasha noticed something." She assured me confidently. "And if you're sure that you love her, go tell her." I nodded and stood up. I slowly walked out the door and made my way back to my shared room with Yelena. I took a few deep breaths before knocking on the door.

"What do you want?" Yelena asked.

"It's Ivy." I said, tears streaming down my face.

"Oh, come in then." I opened the door and she immediately stood up. "What happened sweetheart?" She asked, walking over to me quickly, wanting to comfort me. I smiled sadly at her and she took a step backwards. "You're scaring me."

"Yelena I-" I took a deep breath. "I love you."

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