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"What the fucking hell Clint!" Yelena exclaimed, jumping in front of me to protect me from any other arrows. Everyone else had jumped up and we're standing in front of me to protect me.

"Ok, ok guys you can all move. Im fine, I think." I pulled out the arrow, blood seeping through my clothes. "It didn't touch my heart."

"One centimeter further and it would've." Clint grumbled.

"Ok, read the room, no one asked for you to talk." I said, rolling my eyes again.

"Are you sure you're ok?" Yelena asked me, I took off my shirt to see how much I was bleeding.

"Oh shit." There was blood running all the way down my stomach. "Uh yeah, Im fine." I said, trying to play it cool.

"Tony, get me a bandage!" Yelena yelled, Tony came back a few seconds later with a bandage. Yelena started putting it on and I cleared my throat.

"Um, you might wanna move your face a little bit." I mumbled, seeing that her face was right in front of my boobs and everyone was watching.

"Oh yeah sorry." She awkwardly laughed and moved down a little bit.

"Ow! Ok that's clearly not working." I tore off the bandage and sat down on the floor. My eyes fluttered and I leaned forward. "Ok guys, Im going to sleep because I'm really tired. But um...I'm sure that when I wake up you guys would've figured something out. But if you haven't, no hard feelings." I said, feeling myself drift off to sleep.

"No, you need to stay awake." Yelena said, forcing me to open my eyes.

"She's lost a lot of blood." Natasha said, moving closer to me and looking at my wrists. "We need to get her to the infirmary." Yelena picked me up bridal style and dropped me onto a very comfortable bed a minute later.

"If this is what hell is, it's not as bad as I thought." I whispered, closing my eyes.

"You're not dead sweetheart." Yelena said, kissing my forehead.

"Dammit." I whispered uber my breath.

"Don't say that." Yelena said, I opened my eyes and saw her looking down at me with anger and sadness mixed in her eyes. "You're gonna be fine, they're already working on making sure you're ok." She kneeled down next to me.

"Ok thank you. I'm going to sleep though." I said.

"Ok, I love you." She said softly, kissing my hand.

"I love you too."

I woke up four hours later, Yelena had fallen asleep on the other side of the room, and Clint was standing over me. "Oh wow, if you want to kill me you should do it before she wakes up." I said, pointing at Yelena.

"I don't want to kill you." He whispered, kneeling down next to me.

"Well, you shooting me with an arrow kind of gave me the wrong impression." I laughed, he laughed too.

"Look, I'm sorry kid. My anger got the best of me." He apologized.

"It's ok." I said simply.

"You're really going to forgive me for everything just like that?" He asked, surprised at my reaction.

"Well, I know that I would want to be forgiven for everything I've done." I started. "And my anger has gotten the best of me a lot." He nodded. "But I do think its more fun to have you as an enemy."

"Don't tempt me." He said while laughing, I tried to sit up but failed. "You lost a lot of blood, sorry. But some of it wasn't from me." He said, giving me a pointed look.

"Yeah, I know." I said. "Can you get me some water, I'm really thirsty." I asked, he nodded and walked out of the room.

"Well that was a touching conversation." Yelena grunted while getting up to stand next to me.

"Oh thank you, I didn't know we had an audience." We both laughed and she kissed me passionately on the lips.

"I'm glad you're ok." She whispered, grabbing my hand, I gave her a soft smile and nodded.

"Me too." She smiled and kissed me again, deepening the kiss and clinging on top of me. "Yelena, that kinda hurts." I said as she started kissing down my neck.

"Oh, I'm so sorry." She said, getting off of me and checking to make sure I was ok.

"It's fine, just a bit sensitive at the moment." I weakly smiled at her. "Thank you!" I said excitedly as Clint came back with water. He handed it to Yelena and she waterfalled me. "Thanks, I really needed that." She smiled at me and I happily sighed.

"So, you feeling better?" Clint asked, I nodded. "That's good. Because you're gonna need to stay here for a couple of days. They need to make sure I didn't damage your heart."

"It didn't hit my heart. And wait, did you say a couple more days? What if I need to pee?" I asked, Yelena laughed and squeezed my hand. "It's a valid concern." I said while smiling at her.

"I know it is sweetheart." She said, still laughing.

"I'm going to need all of you to leave." Tony said, leading Bruce into the room.

"What, why?" Yelena asked. "She's fine."

"No she's not, we need to do surgery."

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