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"I'm sorry Ivy, I didn't realize that you hated him that much." Tony apologized the next day.

"It's fine, I mean you couldn't have known that I didn't want to see the guy that killed my dad." I said, sarcastically smiling at him.

"Well Kate, don't think you made that much progress with her. She's still a sarcastic bitch." He slapped the table and then stood up. "What do you want me to say, I let you kill him! Isn't that what you wanted?" He asked me.

"You never asked me what I wanted!" I yelled at him. "You said that it was a no on the new recruit and then you invite him here anyways."

"I thought you would want to kill him!"

"I heard what you said the first fucking time now can you all just shut the fuck up!" I screamed, putting my hands over my ears as everyone started bickering.

"Ivy." Someone said.

"Get the fuck away from me I want to be alone!" I screamed, my dads body falling limp was on repeat in my mind.

"Sweetheart we need you to calm down." I heard Yelena say.

"Can everyone please just shut up. Please, please." I said, gripping my hair to try to get the memory out of my head. Someone touched my back and I flinched, banging my head on the table.

"Ivy can you please tell us what's happening?" Kate asked.

"I thought I told everyone to shut up." I looked up and everyone saw my teary eyes, Yelena was standing right next to me, looking down at me sadly.

"Ivy stop shutting everyone out what's going on. You look like you just saw shit." Kate whispered, I shook my head.

"Alright Wanda, read her mind." Tony said. I clenched my teeth as Wanda walked up to me, I closed my eyes and let her do what she needed to do.

"Her dad dying is on repeat in her head." She said simply, I opened my eyes and saw a sympathetic look on her face.

"Oh." Kate whispered, I turned to her with cold, dead eyes.

"Yeah, I never thought I'd have to see his killer again, but thanks to this guy." I got up and patted Tony on the back.

"Look, I'm sorry kid."

"I'm not a kid."

"Shut up, you're like half my age." I rolled my eyes and sat back down.

"Does mom know that dad was killed?" Kate asked me. I shook my head. "So she just threw us out onto the streets because dad wasn't there for us?" I nodded.

"She never wanted us Kate." I told her.


"I heard her trying to get dad to put us up for adoption. When you're a kid, you never forget that. You're own mother not wanting anything to do with you." I saw Peter gulp and Natasha and Yelena looked down. Tony looked extremely uncomfortable.

"I'm really sorry kid, I didn't know everything that happened with your parents and I never had a good relationship with my dad so I couldn't have even imagined how hard it would be." Tony said sincerely.

"It's ok." I whispered, nodding. Yelena patted my shoulder and rubbed my back comfortingly. I saw Kate looking crestfallen from across the room.

"I didn't know that mom didn't want us." She whispered, Natasha moved closer and gave her an awkward side hug. "I just thought she was a narcissist." I laughed. "Well, I guess that's that." She sighed, getting up. Yelena kneeled down next to me and grabbed my hand, caressing it with her thumb.

"I'll go talk to her." Clint said after Kate walked away. We all nodded and sat in silence.

"Why didn't you tell her anything?" Natasha asked curiously.

"I didn't want her to know. I mean she's always been a bit sensitive. And I just never had the heart to tell her." I explained. I saw Tony open his mouth but I interrupted him. "I know, I know, that's probably due to the fact that I haven't had a heart for the past fifteen years. Ha ha so funny." He smiled.

"You knew exactly what I was going to say." I nodded and Yelena let go of my hand, pulling up a chair beside me to sit next to me. She put her arm around me and kissed my cheek. "Can we please keep the PDA to a minimum." He asked.

"Oh my God did you hear them two days ago?" I heard Peter ask Wanda, she shook her head. "You're so lucky."

"Ok Peter, you literally stood outside our door the whole time. It's literally your fault." I said, Yelena and Wanda laughed and Peter blushed.

"Wait, what's the kid talking about?" Tony asked.

"Nasty." Natasha said with a disgusted face on.

"Ow, what the fuck Yelena." I said, jumping up as I felt someone slap the back of my head.

"That wasn't me." She said defensively, I rubbed the back of my head and looked around.

"Miss me sister?" I saw a tall handsome man with white hair speed into the room.


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