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Anthony was one year old. Finn and Daisy were twelve years old and had started training to become Avengers.

But here I was, kidnapped again. "You know, it's extraordinary, you're story." The man in the mask said, I just smiled evilly at him with blood on my face.

"What about it is extraordinary?" I asked him.

"Well, maybe the fact that the traumatic experience of seeing your father die, made you a serial killer." He said in a raspy voice.

"I think that's kind of an overstatement." I told him. "I killed most of those people with good reason, but some of them were just really fucking annoying." He laughed and moved closer to me.

"I'm not afraid to kill you." He warned me.

"And I'm not afraid to die." I said while smiling, he let out a loud exhale and then took a few steps back. "So are you going to continue with your story?"

"Well, I was saying that you were a serial killer, who didn't give a shit about anyone. Then you meet a girl, and everything changes."

"Are you trying to say my life is something from fucking William Shakespeare?" I asked him.

"No, I just don't get how one girl can come into your life and change everything. So I just would like to see what happens, when I take her away from you." He said, laughing and walking towards me.

"You wouldn't dare." I said, still laughing.

"Well, it seems like you can't do anything about it, you're chained in a chair, and I can make you watch this." He said, clicking a button, showing me footage of the Avengers Compound. I silently broke free from the chains on my hands and feet, watching the footage. "So what happens when-"

"You're really fucking annoying." I said, running at him and putting him in a headlock. "I know what you're trying to do." I said, pulling the mask off of him.

"What am I trying to do then?" He asked me.

"That's not the Avengers Compound, it's Harleys room but he has the picture of the Avengers on his wall. And it's not there, good try." I said. "You're not going to get me to break." I said, snapping his neck and picking up my shoes, walking through the door out into the open. "Nice to get some fresh air."

"Mommy, why does she have blood on her face?" I turned around to see a five year old girl pointing at me.

"Because she's an Avenger." The mom said, I narrowed my eyes, what kind of statement was that? "Do you mind if I can take a picture with you?" She asked me.

"After I get the blood off of my face." I told her, she nodded and I walked over to a fountain, washing my face off and then walking back to the mother and daughter. The mom took out her phone and took a selfie with the three of us.

"Thank you so much." She said. "My husband will be so jealous." She said, I smiled and put my shoes back on. "Do you need any help?" She asked me. "It looks like you're hurt."

"Ah, I can deal with it." I told her, she smiled. "Do you know where I am?" I asked her.

"Um, Queens." She told me.

"Explains the amount of people." I said, looking around at the crowd of people in front of us. "Well, it was nice to meet you, I'm going to go steal a car now." I said, she covered her daughters ears. "There's no need to sugarcoat it." I told her. "It's how the world works, keep your daughter safe, it's a nasty place." She nodded and watched as I walked away.

"Avenger, Ivy Grace Bishop spotted in a warehouse in Queens, New York." I froze as I looked up, screens everywhere had a tv reporter. "We are currently trying to find her, she is responsible for the murders of hundreds of people."

"Like you have any idea." I breathed out, smashing a car window and climbing into the drivers seat, I turned on the radio and sped off.

"We have an incoming call from Avengers leader Harley Keener." The reporter said, I sighed and made my way onto the main road.

"I know you're trying to find Ivy Bishop." Harleys voice came from the speakers.

"Yes we are." The reporter agreed. "Civilians say that she is not worthy to hold the title of an Avenger. Reports say she has killed hundreds of people, including an entire bloodline-"

"When it comes down to the safety of the world, or the safety of your family. Do you really think it matters which terrible people do and do not die?" Harley asked the reporter.

"I believe people should be held accountable for their actions." The reporter said simply. "And many civilians think the same."

"How many innocent people would be dead if Ivy Bishop hadn't killed the people that she killed? Without her, would there be any Avengers?" He asked the reporter. "How many of us would be dead if she hadn't killed the people that she killed?" I smiled evilly as I made the right hand turn into the middle of nowhere.

"Well, four of you are already dead because of her." The reporter said.

"I'm surprised people actually call you a reporter with all the false information you have. No thank you for wasting my time." Harley said.

"Thanks Harley." I whispered.

The car shook and flipped over. "Fuck." I screamed as the broken glass hit my face. "Someone really wants me to die." I whispered, someone grabbed my wrist and pulled me out of the car.

"No one can save you now." A low voice said, he punched me in the face and everything went black.

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