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"Wait what, why am I going into surgery?" I asked, trying to sit up, but Tony pushed me back down. "What the hell Tony." I spat angrily, trying to sit back up again.

"Something went into your heart when Clint shot you with the arrow." He explained, tapping the screen a couple of times before turning back to me. "Don't worry, we're going to get Stephen in here and he'll get you back to perfect condition in no time."

"Um, who's Stephen?" I asked. "Tony, no." I said, I had always been afraid of going into surgery.

"Tony yes." He said, Bruce laughed and I looked at Yelena.

"Yelena, I don't want to go into surgery." I whimpered, trying to get off the bed.

"What the actual fuck?" Tony cursed under his breath as someone burst through the door. "No, not on my watch." I saw someone run up to me and hit me in the side of my head, then everything went black.

"Um, could someone please explain where I am?" I asked, realizing that I was in dim room, strapped to a table.

"Ok kid, you have to keep calm." I heard Tony say, I looked around and didn't see him around so I figured that he had somehow found a way to put an earpiece into my ear. "We're going to find a way to get you out of there."

"Well, where is there?" I asked. "I'm not familiar with this room, there's knives and surgery tools on the wall." I whispered, trying to be as quiet as possible. "Tony, Tony someone's coming in. He's in a surgical mask." I said, starting to panic.

"Don't worry Ivy, ok? Everyone here can hear you, we've sent Pietro to go get you." He said. "He should be there any minute."

"Is Yelena there?" I asked, relieved that the men couldn't hear me.

"Yes, yes she is." He said.

"Can I talk to her?" I asked.

"No can do kiddo." He said softly. "Just hold tight."

"No, no Tony, they're getting closer and I can't move. I CANT MOVE!" I screamed, trying to get off of the bed but failing miserably. "Hey hey guys." I said in a panicked voice. "Um, if you're going to use any of those trinkets, do you mind putting me on painkillers first?" I asked.

"No." One of the men said simply.

"Tony, Tony, get me out of here!" I yelled, tears escaping my eyes, the men held me down and they started cutting my stomach with a knife, I had just now realized that I only had a bra and underwear on. "FUCK!" I screamed.

"Hold still." The man said calmly.

"Kid, I know it's hard to be calm right now, but Pietro will be there any minute. I promise you, then he'll get you out of there and you'll be safe." Tony said desperately. I felt someone pull down my underwear.

"No, no please don't." I cried out, I closed my eyes, not wanting to be able to see anything that came next. "STOP, STOP, WHAT DID I DO? WHAT DID I DO?" I screamed out in pain.

"You took my son away from me." One of the men grumbled. "I never get to see him again because of you."

"I promise you, I didn't do that!" I yelled.

"He's halfway across the world. Gary Stoneman?" He asked me. "Do you remember that name.

"No!" I exclaimed, still closing my eyes, crying out in pain and despair. "Please stop, please stop!" I screamed. "I DIDNT DO ANYTHING TO YOUR SON I SWEAR JUST MAKE IT STOP!"

"Ivy, everything going to be ok, I promise you. Pietro will be there in three, two, one." I heard a crash as the door burst open, in seconds, all the men were lying dead on the ground and someone was carrying me, at amazing speed back to the compound.

"Are you alright?" Pietro asked me, I was still sobbing.

"No, no." I choked out. "It hurts so bad." I felt him hug me closer to him and in a few minutes we were back at the compound.

"Sweetheart, are you ok?" Yelena asked, rushing over to Pietro, who set me down on the kitchen table, I was coughing, face wet with tears. She grabbed my hand as I shook my head. "I'm so sorry sweetheart." She kissed my cheek and squeezed my hand.

"Ok, Clint, get me the bandages." Tony said, I cried out in pain as they cleaned and bandages up my wounds.

"Stop." I pleaded.

"Ivy, it's us. It's Tony." Tony said.

"No, no." I whimpered, crying.

"Ivy, it's Yelena. You're going to be ok, everything going to be ok." Yelena whispered into my ear, kissing my cheek again.

"No, no, no, no." I whined.

"Ivy, Ivy...we're losing her!"

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