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I was sitting on my bed, by myself. I had taken the picture that Pietro had gotten me off the wall and was staring at it. I sniffed and realized that there were tears streaming down my face. I saw a teardrop fall down onto the frame. I frowned and wiped it away. "Hey, Yelena wanted me to come in and check on you." Pietro said, walking in without knocking.

"Hi." I whispered, not taking my eyes off of the picture. He sat down next to me and stared at the picture with me.

"We all miss her Ivy." He said with tears in his eyes, I heard him sniff and he wiped away a tear that had dropped from his eye. "I was going to propose to her." He said after a minute.

"What?" I choked out. They had only dated for four months by the time she had sacrificed herself for Steve.

"Yeah, I was going to put a note in one of her arrows, so when we trained together, and she shot it, it would plaster itself to the wall and she would read it." He whispered.

"Do you still have the arrow?" I asked him.

"Yeah." He sighed. "It's up on my wall." I nodded and hugged him. "I loved her so much." He sobbed. "I had never had anyone to love me so unconditionally except for Wanda, but she was my sister. I just can't believe that life was so cruel." He said.

"Me neither." I said, the familiar feeling of emptiness creeping up on me again.

"Do you want me to get Yelena?" He asked. "She's in a meeting, but I'm sure I can get her out."

"No, it's fine." I said emotionlessly, still staring at the picture. I smiled as I saw how happy Kate looked.

"Ok, do you want me to leave or is it ok if I stay?" He asked politely.

"You can stay if you want." I whispered, getting up to put the picture back up on the wall. I sat back down beside him and we sat in silence for a few minutes. "What was your favorite memory of her?" I asked him.

"When we were on our first date, she kept looking at me and giggling and smiling. It made me so happy." He said. "What was yours?" He asked me.

"On our sixteenth birthday, she dragged me to the mall. She bought a lot of stuff for herself and for me, and she just seemed really happy." I said to him, he nodded and smiled.

"Damn, you really got me crying right now." He choked out, putting his head in his hands to stop me from seeing him cry. I rubbed his back comfortingly.

"I'm sorry." I whispered, he lifted his head back up and inhaled deeply before turning to look at me again. "We could watch a movie, to take our minds off of it." I offered.

"No." He said plainly. "I'm hungry, I think I'm going to go get some food." I nodded and followed him out of the room, we went to the kitchen together and grabbed some food. I stuffed my face full of potatoes and he barely touched his meatloaf.

"You said you were hungry? Why aren't you eating?" I asked him through a mouthful of potatoes.

"I guess I'm too sad to eat." He said.

"I get the feeling." I replied once I gulped down the rest of the potatoes. "But some things that Yelena taught me when I first came here, you need to eat food, and drink water."

"What else would you eat?" He asked, I shrugged. "I swear to fucking shit Ivy if you used to eat cockroaches I will never talk to you ever again." He swore.

"I didn't use to eat cockroaches." I promised him.

"Then what did you used to eat?" He asked:

"I didn't eat." I said while shrugging, he looked up at me and stopped chewing. "Not like that, but I would just drink, I barely ate food." I said, he nodded and took another slow bite, reluctantly swallowing it.

"When do you think you'll get sent on a new mission?" Pietro asked me randomly. I just shrugged.

"I mean, Tony, Steve, and Yelena are trying to figure out who captured me so they can take down the organization and can never do it again." I explained. "So they probably won't want to send me into the public."

"Yeah, that makes sense." He agreed, slowly finishing his food. "Well, I hope they find out who did it soon. Yelena and I are gonna kick some ass." I laughed and put my dishes away. "Oh, here comes Steve." He warned me, I turned around and saw Steve running towards us at full speed.

"Oh hey Steve." I said calmly, watching him run up to me out of breath.

"Hey Ivy." He said, catching his breath. He leaned against the counter and opened his mouth to start talking again. "We found out who kidnapped you."

"Who?" Pietro asked aggressively, standing up and speeding towards us.

"It was Hydra."

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