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"Hey!" Pietro said excitedly, seeing that I was well enough to walk out of the infirmary and into the lounge.

"Hey." I grunted painfully.

"You alright? Do you need any help?" He asked.

"No, I'm fine." I said, sitting down on the couch and sighing heavily, everyone turned to look at me and smiled.

"Are you feeling better?" Thor asked hopefully.

"Yes, I am." I said, giving him a fake smile. He returned a real one and everyone else did too. My smile immediately fell as I saw Tony standing in the corner, looking at me guiltily.

"Well, I'm going to get us all drinks, if that's alright." Bruce said awkwardly, standing up. I realized that Yelena wasn't in here and sighed. Pietro sat down next to me and looked at me sadly.

"Are you sure you're all right?" He asked.

"Yeah, yeah." I said, giving him a fake smile. "I'm fine." He believed it and nodded. Bruce returned and handed everyone their drinks, I took mine and it was snatched out of my hand by Yelena. "Hi!" I said happily.

"Hey." She replied warmly, taking my drink and sitting down on my other side, Tony was still staring at me guiltily.

"Why did you take my drink?" I pouted.

"I don't think you're in good enough condition to drink." She said simply, I nodded and rested my head on her shoulder. I saw Tony down his whiskey in one gulp and drop his glass on the floor. Everyone was still looking at me and smiling, happy to have me back. "See sweetheart, they all care about you." Yelena whispered into my ear.

"I can see that now." I whispered back, laughing.

"Do you want another drink Tony?" Bruce asked.

"No thank you, thanks though Bruce." Tony said, flopping down onto a chair and sighing. He looked up at the ceiling, I closed my eyes and sighed.

"So, how are you feeling?" Natasha asked kindly from across the room.

"Well, I feel better, definitely. But it's painful to move." I said, grabbing Yelena's hand.

"Well, I'm happy to hear that you're getting better Ivy." She smiled widely. Steve sniffed and crossed his arms, looking down at the ground. "You should be able to go back to your room in a couple of days."

"Thank you guys, for making sure I get better, and making sure that someone rescued me from that place." I said. "Seriously."

"It's what we do, we're Avengers." Steve said simply. I lifted my head off of Yelena's shoulder and nodded.

"But I still want to say thank you. I never thought I needed anyone, but as soon as I met you guys, I realized I needed you." I said, Natasha nodded and smirked. "And I really need a drink." I said, looking at Yelena. She nodded and handed me her full glass. "Thank you." I said, leaning back against the couch and crossing my legs.

"Does anyone want to watch a movie?" Clint asked.

"I want to talk to her, she's been in there for a week!" Thor said.

"It's fine, you guys do whatever you want. I'm just going to go back to the infirmary, I'm really tired." I grunted, getting up off of the couch. I stood there for a second, deciding what to say next.

"You ok Ivy?" Natasha asked. "You look like you just saw something." She said, I nodded, realizing that if I didn't say it now I would probably never be able to say it, so I took a deep breath and exhaled.

"You guys all wanted to know what they did to me, right?" I asked. They all nodded and I saw Tony look up at me out of the corner of my eye.

"Ivy, you don't have to say it if you don't want to." Pietro said carefully.

"Well, they tortured and raped me."

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