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I parked the car in front of the school, Finn and Daisy were in the backseat arguing. "Ok, we're here." I told them, sarcastically smiling.

"Yay!" Finn said, jumping out of the car. I got out of the car and led them into the building.

"Hello." I said as I made my way to the front desk. "Are you Mr. Murdock?" I asked, seeing that he was wearing glasses and was in a suit.

"Yes I am." He said vaguely, giving me a small smile. "Are you here to check in your kids?" He asked.

"Yes, I'm-"

"Ivy Bishop, yes I know." He said, nodding. "Finn Huxley and Daisy Adler." He continued.

"Yes, I also wanted to talk to you about Tony Stark." I said.

"Oh, what about him?" He asked, taking off his glasses.

"He wants to keep in contact with you." I said shortly, Daisy grabbed my hand and started playing with my fingers.

"Ok, I'll talk to him later today." He said with a smile. "Um, Finn and Daisy, you can wait in the chairs until the rest get here." He said. "And you can stay here too Ivy." I nodded and sat in a chair next to Finn.

We waited until I saw a set of twins, one with blonde hair and one with brown hair. I assumed that it was Duke and Klaus. "Welcome back, take a seat." Mr. Murdock said. The boys nodded and took a seat, they started talking and laughing loudly.

"Hey, I'm Klaus, who are you?" The brunette boy asked Finn politely once he had stopped talking.

"I'm Finn." He answered.

"Don't be nervous." Klaus said calmly. "This is my brother Duke." He said, pointing to the blonde boy beside him.

"And I'm Daniel." A tall brown haired boy walked out from behind the desk and sat down next to Daisy.

"I'm Daisy." Daisy said softly. Daniel smiled at her and shook her hand. We waited in silence until the last one came in. She was a blonde haired girl with blue eyes and a vibrant smile.

"Ok, you're here Riley, we can get started." Matthew said, coming out from behind the desk and clapping his hands together. "You can leave now Ivy."

"Wait, your name is Ivy?" Klaus asked me, I nodded. "That's sick!" I laughed and stood up. "Are you Ivy Bishop?" He asked, widening his eyes.

"Yes...yes I am." I said slowly.

"You're the Avenger?" Daniel asked.

"Yeah." I said.

"Well, it seems like she's very popular but we need to get started, so if you could all say goodbye to Ms. Bishop, and then follow me back here and we will start our lessons for today." Matthew said.

"Bye." They all said in unison, I looked down at Finn and Daisy. Finn looked very excited, he wasn't nervous anymore but Daisy was frozen with her eyes wide.

"Bye Ivy." Finn said, walking away from me to join the group.

"Bye Finn!" I said as I knelt down in front of Daisy. "Hey, don't be nervous, ok?" She looked at me and frowned. "Mr. Murdock is very nice and is here to teach you, and all the students are too, ok?" I said, she nodded and hugged me. "I'll come pick you up at three thirty, ok?" I asked.

"Ok." She said softly, I pulled away and kissed her on the top of the head.

"Ok, have a good day." I said, getting up and watching her as she followed after everyone else.

I sighed as I walked in the door, dropping the car keys on the table. "Did it go ok?" Yelena asked, standing up and walking over to me to give me a hug.

"Yeah." I said, resting my head on her shoulder. "Matthew is nice." I said, pulling away and kissing her lips. She smiled and then we sat down at the table.

"Did you tell him that I wanted to talk to him?" Tony asked as he walked into the room.

"Yeah." I said. "Everyone showed up and seemed nice." I told them both of them. "Daisy seemed really nervous so I stayed with her for a minute before she went with Matthew."

"That's nice of you." Yelena said, grabbing my hand. I winced as I felt a sharp pain in my stomach. "Are you ok?" She asked.

"Yeah, just a stomachache." I told her.

"Are you sure, you threw up this morning." Yelena said, squeezing my hand.

"Uh, are you pregnant?" Tony asked me.

"What, how would I be pregnant?" I asked him.

"Um, morning sickness, and you aren't a virgin." He said in a matter of fact tone.

"Oh shit." I said, realizing that he was right. "Do you have any pregnancy tests by chance?" I asked him.

"Actually yeah I do, I made them, I'll go get one." He ran off and then came back a few minutes later with a pregnancy test, I grabbed it from his hand and ran to the bathroom.

I glanced at myself in the mirror before looking at the result, Tony made it, so there was no way it could be wrong. "Ok, I'm ready." I whispered to myself. I bit my lip before I looked down at the test.


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