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"You ready Ivy?" Peter asked me, I had suited up and he patted me on the back, avoiding the two swords strapped onto my back.

"Yeah, I'm ready." I said, he nodded with a smile. I don't walked over to Yelena and we all walked out the front door. I got onto Pietro's back and Yelena held onto Peter, and we sped off to Hydra.

When we got there, we stood about 100 feet away from the door. We all glanced at each other and connected our hands. I held onto Pietro and Yelena's and Peter held Pietro's other hand. "You guys ready?" Pietro asked.

"Of course." I whispered, we started walking forward, holding hands and staring at the door. Peter let go of Pietro's hand and opened the door letting us all inside.

"If you are anyone from Hydra, just kill them." Yelena said, we all nodded in agreement and I headed forward. I jogged down the hallway and found the room they had tortured me in and slowly opened the door. I silently walked up to the doctor who has so kindly stabbed me in the chest, I pulled out a sword and sliced his head clean off.

"Ivy, status check?" Pietro said into the earpiece.

"One down, five to go." I said, smiling at all the Hydra members who had their guns pointed at me. I realize there was a young blonde girl on the bed who I had assumed was Daisy.

"Why are you here?" One of the guards asked.

"To kill you." I said with delight, he grimaced and fired a shot at me, I held my sword out and it hit the blade and bounced off.

"How in the hell?" He said, I ran up to him and chopped off his arm he was holding the gun with and slit his throat. I ran to the next guy and cut off his head, I caught up with the rest of them and did the same. I smiled as I saw all of them dead on the floor.

"I'm going to get you out of here." I said, running over to the blonde girl and i strapping her from the bed, I saw that she had a deep cut on her leg and she put her hand over it, when she took her hand off it was gone. "You're Daisy right?" I asked her.

"Yeah." She said softly.

"Ok, come on." I said, picking her up bridal style and carrying her out of the room.

"Who are you?" She asked. "Why did you save me?"

"Finn sent me, I'm an Avenger." I explained. "Well, Tony Stark actually sent us but Finn was the one who told us you were here so we came back for you." She nodded and gazed into my eyes.

"Thank you." She said.

"No problem." I said back, I set her down. "Wait here, I need to get back to my partners." I explained, she nodded and sat down.

"Ivy!" Yelena exclaimed. "Go back."

"Why?" I asked, pushing past her and freezing when I saw Pietro kneeling down on the ground next to Peter. "What happened?" I asked, forcing myself to walk towards Peter. I kneeled down beside him and realized he had his mask off. He was bleeding out of his mouth but he was smiling.

"Hi Ivy." He choked out.

"Don't talk, you need to save your breath." I told him, seeing the bullet wounds in his stomach, he shook his head.

"It's ok." He said, he was looking at Pietro now. "Did you get Daisy?" He asked, Pietro looked at me, expecting me to answer.

"Yes, I did." I whispered, putting my hand on Peter's chest. "So it's ok, we can leave now."

"Ivy, we're not going to be able to leave here with him." Yelena said softly from behind me.

"Don't say that." I mumbled, she didn't speak again but she put her hand on my back. I saw a tear fall down Pietro's face.

"It's ok guys. Take her back." Peter said, he was running out of breath now, he probably only had a couple minutes now.

"No, I'm not leaving without you." I whispered, Pietro put his hand over mine, trying to comfort me.

"My whole life, I never had any friends, barely any family." Peter started, he coughed and closed his eyes for a second before opening them again. "But then Tony let me onto the team. And I met you guys, you were there to support me no matter what. Thank you so much." He said. "For being my friends." He was getting quieter now, and fighting for breath.

"No Peter, stay with us." I pleaded.

"But most importantly, thank you for being my family." He whispered, I felt his body relax and I saw the cold dead look in his eyes as he stared at the ceiling.

"No...no." I whimpered, that could not have just happened. I put my head on his chest and let out a painful cry.

"It's ok Ivy, we'll take his body back." Yelena choked out, putting her arm around me. I felt as if someone had just ripped my heart out, my dad, my sister, one of my best friends, who was next?

"Ok." Was all I was able to say. Pietro picked up Peter, his lifeless eyes staring into nothing, it was a terrible sight.

"What happened?" Daisy asked as I walked back to her.

"We lost someone." I said, kneeling down beside her and letting her climb onto my back. . She looked confused so I elaborated. "One of our friends died." I told her, a single tear sliding down my cheek.

"Oh, I'm really sorry." She whispered, her eyes darkening. "I could've saved him you know." She said, looking at Peter's dead body. I felt a stab of guilt as I realized I could've brought her in and she could've saved him.

"Yeah, I realize that now." I said in a low voice. She had her arms around my neck, I grabbed Yelena's hand and Pietro's hand, walking out of the building slowly. Pietro sped us back to the compound, and he gently dropped Peter onto the floor.

"What happened?" Tony asked, rushing over to us.

"We lost the kid."

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