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I was four months pregnant now. Finn and Daisy were learning martial arts at school and they were learning how to use their powers better. "Are you ready to pick the kids up from school?" Yelena asked me.

"Yeah, one minute. Just let me get ready." I told her, getting dressed and brushing my teeth, she kissed my cheek and patted me on the back.

"I love you." She said to me before I left the room.

"I love you too." I said back, smiling warmly and then shutting the door.

"I'm coming with you." Tony said, grabbing the keys and following me out the door.

"Ok but I'm driving." I told him, he nodded and threw me the keys, I caught them in the air and got into the car.

"How long does it take to get there?" He asked me, getting comfortable in the passenger seat.

"About an hour." I told him, he sighed. "What, are you regretting coming?" I asked him.

"No, I'm regretting not using the bathroom before we left." He said, I laughed and started driving away from the compound.

"I want to go back on a mission." I told him.

"You can't, your pregnant." He said simply, he took a granola bar out of his pocket and started chewing it loudly.

"But I want to get back in the action." I told him, letting the car go onto autopilot, he finished the granola bar and put the wrapper in the cup holder.

"But you can't. It's not safe." He said, reclining his seat back and closing his eyes.

"Don't fall asleep, I don't want to have to listen to your snoring for the next hour." I said, he reclined his seat back up and opened his eyes. "Fuck."

"What?" He asked.

"I really want nachos." I said, we were still in the middle of nowhere but I could see the city coming into view.

"Well, we can't stop." He said.

"I know that." I told him, trying to get more comfortable. "Have you ever thought about having kids?" I asked him.

"Well, I already have some." He said.

"What do you mean by that?" I asked him.

"Well you." He started. "Peter, and Harley." He said.

"Well, I know Peter, but who's Harley?" I asked him.

"Oh, he's someone who helped me...a long time ago." He said softly. "But I don't think i need anymore, especially after what happened to Peter." We both sighed.

"Well, how come you've never brought Harley to the compound?" I asked him.

"He's never had time." He sighed. "But he's actually very well accomplished, strong, good engineer." He said.

"Well, I'd love to meet him." I said while smiling.

"I think he's love to meet you too." He said, smiling at me. "Watch out!" He yelled, I instinctively ducked and covered my head, I felt the car spinning out of control.

"Tony what's happening?" I asked.

"Nothing, just stay here, I'll take care of it." He said, getting out of the car.

"Doesn't seem like it's nothing!" I yelled after him, getting out of the car.

"I said stay put!" He yelled back at me, I shook my head and stood up, holding my stomach.

"Looks like we found her." A man with blonde hair said in a low voice. "Move out of the way Stark." He said.

"No can do." Tony say, I stood a few feet behind him. "Where are you from anyways?" He asked.

"Hydra." The man said.

"We killed Hydra." I said.

"Who's we?" He asked.

"Quicksilver, White Widow, Spider-Man and I." I replied, narrowing my eyes.

"Well, what can I say? Cut off one head, two more takes its place." He said, grinning evilly. My lip trembled and I turned to Tony angrily.

"Well what the fuck are we going to do now?" I whispered to him.

"I'm gonna fight, you're not going to do anything, they're here for you, I'm going to protect you." He whispered back. The man took a few steps towards us and pulled out a knife.

"What are you without the suit Stark?" He asked. Tony opened his mouth to answer but nothing came out. "That's what I thought, now hand over the girl."

"Over my dead body." Tony said, I widened my eyes and took a step forward.

"So be it." The man ran forward and held his arm up, ready to stab Tony.

"Man, you really don't know how to use that thing." I said, holding his arm away.

"I thought I told you to stay out of this." Tony said.

"He'll kill you, let him take me." I said, my lip trembling.

"Like I said, over my dead body." He pushed me out of the way, and I stumbled. I regained my balance but I wasn't fast enough to get to him in time.

"No!" I screamed, I ran to the Hydra agent and grabbed the knife from his hand, I slit his throat and pushed him down to the ground and ran to Tony's side. "No!"

"Oh hey Ivy." He said, smiling, he grabbed my hand and put it over his chest.

"Hi." I said, using my other hand to hold his face. "You're going to be ok." I said. "I'll get Pietro to run to the school, he'll grab Daisy and she'll heal you, it'll be like five minutes." I told him, a fear slipping down my cheek as I saw how much he was bleeding.

"No." He whispered, lightly shaking his head. I wiped a tear off his cheek and he held my hand tighter, I could feel his heartbeat slowing down.

"I don't know CPR." Was all I was able to say.

"I know you don't." He said softly, smiling at me.

"I'm not going to leave you here." I said.

"Oh, you won't have to." He said, I swallowed as I realized that Pietro was coming.

"Why did you do this?" I sobbed.

"To save you." He said simply. "You know I love you, right?" He asked.

"Yes, I know. I love you too." I told him.

"Then let me go." He breathed out. "I'll be with our friends now." His face relaxed and his hand lost its grip.

"No!" I screamed, putting my head on his chest. "No." I felt someone try to pull me off but I didn't let them.

"Ivy, we have to get him back." I heard Pietro said. I let my body go limp as I sobbed onto Tony's chest.

"No." I said again, he pulled me off of him and held me in his arms. "I lost him, I want him back." I sobbed.

"I know, I know." Pietro whispered.

"It's like I lost him again." I said.

"I know, but it's going to be ok. I'll take you back." He said, rubbing my back.

"Ok." I sobbed.

"I'm going to get you back it's going to be ok, I promise, trust me, ok?" He asked, letting go of me and picking up Tony's dead body.

"Ok." I sniffed. "I trust you."

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