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It had been a month since Tony died. I walked down the road, kicking up dirt in my sweatpants. I plucked a few petunias from the road and decided to walk back to the compound. "Why does everyone have to die?" I asked myself. I walked around the side of the compound and went to the backyard, I stopped at Kates grave and put some of the flowers in front of it. "I miss you so much." I said, my lips trembling. "I can't believe it's been seven months." I sighed as a tear fell down my cheek. "You were the best sister ever, and the best day of my life is going to be the day I get to see you again." I said while smiling sadly. "I love you so much." I reread the epitaph on her tombstone over and over again and got sadder each time.

I moved onto Peter's and I was placed a few more flowers in front of his grave. "Damn, it's been four months." I said softly. "I never think that I'd lose you." I knew that he wasn't there to hear me but talking gave me comfort. "You were one of the best friends I've ever had, and I'm so sorry that happened. I miss you and I know I always will." I whispered. "I love you." I rested my head against the side of his grave and stayed there for a while, got tears streaming down my face as the memories of him came back.

I moved onto Tony's tombstone and sat down in front of it, putting the remaining flowers in front of my feet. "You know, I loved you so much." I said, blinking away my tears. "I never thought of a day that I would have to live without you. But it's hard, it's really hard." I sniffed, wiping the tears from my face. "To live in the hearts of those we love is not to die." I read out loud. "I totally agree with that statement." I said, laughing sadly. "But I just never thought I'd have to see it on your grave." I whispered, leaning forward and resting my chin on my fist. "I miss you Tony." I said, nodding and then standing up. I smiled sadly once more before heading back inside.

"What's up Ivy?" Steve asked. "Are you ok?" He asked as he noticed that I had been crying. I shook my head. "What's wrong."

"I miss them so much." I sniffed, he sighed and looked at the ground.

"We all do Ivy." He said.

"But we're you Kates sister? Was Peter your best friend? Was Tony basically your dad?" I asked him harshly, he shook his head. "Exactly." I said.

"You know we all miss them though." He said. "Maybe not as much as you, but we all miss them."

"Yeah, I know." I said. "I'm sorry." He nodded and gave me a quick side hug. "It's gonna be ok."

"That's what everyone says." I told him, he nodded.

"It's true, that's why they say it." I smiled lightly and looked down at the ground.

"Thank you Steve." I said gratefully.

"No problem." He patted me on the back and smiled at me before I walked away.

"Hey sweetheart." Yelena said to me as I walked into our room. "How are you feeling, you look like you've been crying." She said.

"Yeah I'm fine, I just visited...the dead people." I said slowly, she nodded and pulled me in for a hug.

"So what's up, it looks like you've got something on your mind." She said. I shrugged and sat down on the bed.

"Well, I think I found out what I want to name the boy." I told her, she nodded and smiled.

"Well, what's the idea?" She asked.

"Well, I know we said no naming the first name after someone." I started. "But I was wondering if we could name him Anthony, you know, after Tony." I asked softly.

"I love that idea." She said, I smiled and lied down on the bed. "Why don't you go get some rest." She said, kissing my hand and gazing at me lovingly.

"Ok." I said. "I'll see you when I wake up baby."

"Sleep well sweetheart."

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