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Breakfast the next morning was insanely awkward. No one knew what had happened just eight hours before except for Tony, Yelena, Clint and I. Clint sat as far away from me as possible, throwing me angry glares. "Ivy, what's going on with you and Clint?" Kate leaned over to me, whispering in my ear.

"Um." I wasn't going to tell her but I felt a sudden surge of hatred, so I said it anyway. "We had a huge fight last night. He called me a monster, and said it was a mistake that they let me on the team." I whispered back.

"He actually said that?" She asked, astonished. I nodded and her jaw dropped. "That's really shitty, you're not a monster Ivy." My jaw clenched and I gave her a small nod, Yelena heard the conversation and lightly patted my thigh comfortingly.

"So, anybody have any news?" Clint asked, nobody answered. "Come on Ivy, you've gotta have something." I inhaled deeply and met his eyes.

"Nope, nothing." I mumbled, everyone was looking at us suspiciously.

"You sure, you didn't hear the glass breaking last night?" He asked, smirking devilishly.

"What's going on?" Natasha asked. "Yelena, do you know?" She asked her, Yelena didn't answer and just stared at the table. "Is anyone going to say what's going on?"

"Let's play a little game." Clint said, standing up and clapping his hands. "Never have I ever." I rolled my eyes and chugged my glass of cranberry juice. "Never have I ever wiped out an entire bloodline. Never have I ever killed someone for fun. Never have I ever put my sister in danger. Never have I ever been a cold heartless monster. Ivy, you should be putting your fingers down." He said.

"Woah woah woah." Steve stood up. "Where is this coming from?"

"Kate told me all about what Ivy did when I was recruiting her. I thought she was a bitch at first, but then she started growing on me. Kate really loves her, she's her sister and can't imagine her life without her. But then one thing she told me made me change my mind."

"Well what was it Clint?" Kate had stood up and had joined the conversation.

"She withheld everything from you." He said simply. "You stuck by her for fifteen years and she used you the entire time."

"That's not true!" Kate defended me. "She stayed with me because she wanted to keep me safe!"

"This is ridiculous Clint, just shut up." Natasha said, Clint clenched his jaw and started walking away.

"You know what, I quit. I don't want to be on a team with the devil." He walked out the door, everyone watched them as he left.

"Damn, he's really committed to the whole monster thing." I said. "What is he getting at?"

"I don't know." Kate whispered. "I've never seen him get so mad." I sat down and continued eating my breakfast, no one talked for the rest of the time.

"Well this is awkward." I said after a few minutes.

"Yup." Peter said from across the table, I caught Pietro's eye and he smirked, winking at me. I winked back and we did our secret handshake in front of Kate, who just watched us like we were crazy.

"Well, I'm gonna go." I said awkwardly, getting up and pushing my chair in. Everyone just nodded and stared at the table, I walked back to my room by myself awkwardly, every time I left, Yelena would always come with me.

I was by myself for a few minutes, but Yelena finally came in. "You ok?" I asked her, she nodded. "You sure, you're really quiet." I pressed on.

"I'm just really tired." She breathed out, I patted the bed, wanting her to sit down next to me.

"Of what? Talk to me Lena." I whispered, grabbing her hand and squeezing it.

"The past week has just been tiring. I haven't gotten a lot of sleep, and I just need a break from...life." She whispered, I hugged her tightly and didn't pull away until she did.

"Do you want some time alone? I could set up a movie marathon for you. I can give you as much space as you need, what would make you happy right now?" I asked her.

"I want cuddles." She said while blushing, I smiled and let her lie down on top of me, I put my arms over her. "Thank you."

"You didn't even have to ask."

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