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"Ivy!" Yelena ran up to me as soon as I walked through the door. She pulled me into a big hug and kissed my cheek. "Who's this little dude?" She asked me, pulling away and staring at Finn.

"That's Finn." I said, he smiled up at Yelena.

"What is he doing here, he's like ten." She said.

"We saved him, from Hydra." I told her, she smiled and he held out his hand for a high five from me. I gave him a high five and looked at Peter who was also smiling.

"I'll go tell everyone that we're back, and that we brought company." Peter said, running off.

"Are you hurt?" Yelena asked me, checking my arms.

"Yeah, I was stabbed in the chest and I have a deep cut on my stomach but the bleeding stop and Peter put bandages over it." I told her.

"You were stabbed in the chest?" She asked, I nodded and lifted my shirt up so she could see the bandages, she nodded and kissed my forehead. "Did you find out why they wanted you dead?"

"They just said I was dangerous and that I could kill them all." I said, my voice breaking.

"Are you ok?" She asked me, I nodded and she hugged me again. "Good, I missed you a lot you know." She whispered.

"I missed you too." I said, relaxing in her arms and giving her a gentle kiss on the cheek.

"Hey." Pietro said, speeding up to us. "Who's the little one?" He asked, smiling, pulling me in for a quick tight hug then letting go.

"I'm Finn, Finn Huxley." He said.

"I'm Pietro Maximoff." Pietro replied, smiling at him. "But what are you doing here?" He asked.

"I was a Hydra experiment." Finn said.

"Oh." Pietro's face fell. "So was I."

"And me." Wanda said, walking up beside her twin brother.

"That's cool!" Finn said excitedly. "I mean, not the face that you were experimented on, but we went through the same thing." He said awkwardly. "So what's your name?" He asked her.

"Wanda Maximoff." She replied, frowning.

"What can you do?" He asked them both.

"I can run really fast." Pietro said.

"I have magic." Wanda said plainly.

"That's so cool!" Finn said, looking around at everyone excitedly as they came into the room. "I can teleport, let me show you." He disappeared and then reappeared on the other side of the room. "I can only go that far though, but it's fifty feet! And I've only been able to do it for a week."

"Ivy, are you alright?" Tony asked, walking up to me.

"Don't touch her, she was stabbed in the chest and she's in pain." Yelena said, preventing him from coming any closer, he nodded and stopped.

"Ok, well I see that you've brought a child into the place." Tony said, clearing his throat and turning to look at Finn.

"Are you Tony Stark?" He asked with wide eyes.

"Indeed I am." Said Tony, smiling.

"Wow." Finn said, clearly overwhelmed by all the heroes he was surrounded by. "You're all here?"

"Of course we're all here, it's the Avengers compound." I said, walking closer to him and grabbing Yelena's hand.

"Wow." He whispered, a lot of people looked confused but Tony, Pietro, Thor, and I were smiling.

"It was nice to meet all of you, but I better get going." Finn said.

"Go where?" I asked.

"Well, I didn't think you would want me to stay..." He trailed off.

"Well, you're not leaving until you have somewhere safer and better to stay." I said firmly, Yelena squeezed my hand tightly and I could tell she was smiling.

"Oh...ok." Finn said awkwardly.

"I will get you a room." Tony said, walking towards Finn and gently grabbing his shoulder, leading him down the hallway.

"Why are you letting him stay with us? He has to go to school, make friends, grow up, we don't have time for that!" Bruce said.

"Yes we do." I said.

"Well even if we do, what if he leaks our identities and tells people where we live? Or what if he leaks his own identity and people find out what he is?" Bruce pressed.

"Well then we'll figure that out." I said, tightening my lips.

"Why do you want to help this kid, you just met him?" Bruce asked. "I mean, if we decide to help him I will I just don't think it's a good decision to let a kid be here."

"We saw him at Hydra, he was scared and helpless and he trusted us to take him somewhere safe. It's the least we can do for him." Peter joined in, I gave Peter a grateful look and he gave me a small smile.

"Ok, fair enough." Bruce backed down. "We just need to make sure we protect him." I silently agreed, and I could see that everyone else did the same.

"Well, what if he grows up and wants to become an Avenger?" Clint asked.

"Well then I guess we let him." I said, shrugging and holding Yelena's hand tighter for comfort.

"He's a kid!" Clint exclaimed.

"Not forever, and he has powers." I pointed out. "If he wants to join he could be useful." Everyone nodded slowly in agreement. "Well, I'm going to get some rest guys, I'm tired." I sighed. "Good night."

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