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"What do you mean it was Hydra?" I asked, gasping.

"They were the ones that kidnapped you." Steve said.

"Well, you just said that but why would they come for me?" I asked.

"Well, I assume they told you." He said, narrowing his eyes.

"Well I kind of forgot, I don't like to think of when they kidnapped me." I said, he nodded and Pietro took a step closer to us.

"Well; we have reason to believe that they will come after you again." Steve said in a low voice. My heart skipped a beat and I looked down to the ground.

"But you won't let that happen, right. I mean we're too powerful to let that happen." Pietro whispered.

"Yeah, but we kind of need Ivy to go with them again, so that we can get inside information." Steve explained.

"You want her to get kidnapped, tortured, and raped again so that you can get inside information?" Pietro asked in a disbelieving voice.

"I know it's sounds crazy and rude, but it would benefit the team, and the world. And everyone else they would do that to in the future." Steve explained, I took a deep breath and stared at him.

"I'll do it." I whispered.

"What, are you crazy?" Pietro said.

"You're just now realizing that?" I heard Yelena's thick Russian accent come from my right, I turned and smiled at her. "She's the craziest bitch here." She said in a playful voice.

"Thank you." I said, she walked up to me and put her arm around me.

"But if something goes wrong Steve, and something happens to her. I'm blaming you, so keep that in mind." Yelena said, Steve nodded and rolled his eyes. "And you don't have to go if you don't want to sweetheart." She said softly, turning her head to face me.

"If it will benefit you guys, I'll do it." I said firmly, Steve nodded and Yelena gave me a tight squeeze. Pietro gulped and reluctantly nodded.

"But, we will send Peter to follow you so we know where you are at all times." Steve said.

"Do you know when they're going to come?" I asked him, shifting around uncomfortably. Yelena noticed and held me closer to her.

"We think they're going to come today." Steve said quietly, I gulped and nodded. Starting to prepare myself for if and when they would come. "We won't let anything happen to you."

"Well, you did last time." I pointed out.

"Now is not the time to be a smartass Ivy." Steve warned me.

"Sorry, I'm just not a big fan of being kidnapped." I told him.

"You just agreed to go, stop bitching about it." Steve said, lowering his gaze.

"You're right, sorry." I apologized.

"Hey guys." Peter said, walking in on the conversation. "Steve told you the plan right?" He asked me.

"Yeah." I said, nodding.

"I'll make sure that they don't do anything-" Peter started.

"I trust you." I said, he smiled and poured himself a glass of water.

I heard a loud bang and turned to the left, the wall had lit up and was on fire. I quickly turned back to Yelena and kissed her passionately on the lips. We rested our foreheads together, and I felt someone slam something into my ear, which I'm guessing was an earpiece. Then everything went black.

"Is anyone there?" I whispered, I was chained down to a bed like last time, in a dimly lit room. My breathing quickened as I regretted my decision to come here again.

"Don't worry Ivy." Peter said in a calm voice. "I have eyes on you, nothing is going to happen." He promised.

"Please get me out of here as soon as possible." I whispered, wishing Yelena were here.

"I will." He said.

"Well, well, well. Long time no see." I heard a voice say, I gulped as I recognized it as the doctor who had tortured me last time.

"Don't worry Ivy, stay calm." Peter whispered.

"Well, I guess I'm just going to have to finish what we started last time, aren't we?" The doctor asked.

"I-I guess." I stuttered. "How much is this going to hurt?" I asked.

"Twice as much as last time." He said with an evil grin. I gulped and closed my eyes for a few seconds.

"What do you want?" I asked him.

"I want you dead." He said, leaning closer to me.

"Why?" I asked nervously.

"Because you could kill us all." He whispered.

"Well I'm glad you know that." I said with a surge of confidence.

"Shut up." He said, taking out a knife and holding it to my stomach. "There's no way out this time." He grinned again and dragged the knife down, a long line of blood emerging.

"What do you mean that I could kill you all?" I asked him, wincing at the sharp pain.

"I'm sure you know."

"No, I actually don't, I'm mortal I can die." I told him.

"You're a monster." He told me, digging the knife deeper.

"I've heard that one before." I whispered, hiding my fear with fake confidence.

"You've murdered hundreds without a second thought." He said, pressing the knife deeper again, then dragging it further down my stomach.

"Well I've changed." I whispered.

"Have you, or do you just not want her to see that side of you?" He asked. "You'd kill anyone you've ever met without a second thought." I shook my head.

"Anytime now Peter." I whispered.

"What did you just say?" He asked. He lifted the knife up and held it above my chest. "I'm going to kill you now."

"No!" Peter screamed, I winced at the loud sound and the doctor drove the knife into my chest.

"Goodbye Ivy."

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