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"Ivy!" Yelena cried out, throwing herself on top of me and wrapping me into the biggest hug. I groaned. "I'm sorry." She said, grabbing my hand and kissing it.

"G-get away from me." I stuttered, sitting up and moving away, almost falling off of the bed in the process. "Don't hurt me anymore please." I whispered.

"I'm not going to hurt you sweetheart, I'm here. It's just me and you." Yelena whispered back, gently grabbing my face and looking into my eyes until I calmed down.

"Oh my God, Yelena." I sighed in relief, throwing my arms around her and not letting go. I sobbed into her shoulder, not realizing that I was now fully clothed and that the rest of the Avengers had walked into the room.

"I'm so sorry sweetheart." Yelena whispered, my heart warmed and my grip on her tightened. A tear slid down my face and landed on her shoulder. "Pietro went to get you as soon as we found out where they had taken you."

"Am I ok?" Was all I could say.

"Yes, you're ok." She said, pulling away from me. I turned to see all the Avengers staring at us. Tony had a broken look in his eyes, Clint was staring at the ground and everyone else looked as if they had been crying or if they hadn't slept for days.

"Can someone please get me a glass of water?" I asked, Clint immediately walked out of the room and came back with a glass of water, I drank it in three gulps and sighed.

"I am so sorry kiddo." Tony kneeled down beside me, staring at me with his sad eyes. "We tried as hard as we could." He sniffed, tears coming to his eyes. "But we don't know what they did to you, so could you please tell us?" He asked. Yelena squeezed my hand comfortingly.

"I...they. No, I can't." I whispered. He nodded and stood up.

"I am so so sorry." He kissed me on the forehead and left, giving me a sad smile before he closed the door.

"I am so glad that you're ok." Pietro said while walking over to me. "I didn't know you were dumb enough to get caught." He said while laughing, I laughed with him and smiled at him sadly, holding onto Yelena's hand tighter.

"I didn't think you were dumb enough to come save me." I whispered back. "Thank you." I said gratefully, we did our secret handshake and then he patted me on the shoulder.

"I know you probably want some space, so I'll leave. But I left something for you in your room, once you're able to go back." He smiled as a single tear trickled down his face.

"Thank you." I said again, he nodded and left the room, leaving Yelena and I alone in a comfortable silence for a few minutes.

"Hey Ivy." Peter said awkwardly as he walked in.

"Hey." I said while smiling, Peter and I hadn't talked a lot. But we were friends, definitely friends. "How are you?" I asked.

"Are you seriously asking me that?" He asked, I smiled softly and I heard Yelena inhale and exhale sadly, resting her forehead on my hand. "Well, I'm ok. But how are you?" He asked, sitting down in a chair right next to the hospital bed.

"Um, I can be honest with you, right?" I asked, I heard Yelena give a light laugh and Peter nodded while smiling sadly. "Not that great." Yelena kissed my hand and Peter's eyes started watering.

"I am so so sorry." Peter said softly. "It wasn't supposed to happen."

"I know." I said simply, he nodded.

"Um, I know you didn't tell Tony. But, what did they do to you?" He asked sadly. "I get it if you don't want to talk about it."

"Yeah, I really don't want to talk about it. But thank you for coming." I said kindly, he nodded and got up.

"I can bring you some food if you like." He said.

"No, I'm not really that hungry." I lied, I was starving but the thought of eating made me want to throw up.

"Ok, well I hope you feel better soon Ivy." He said, a tear falling from his face as he walked away.

"I love you." I whispered to Yelena, making room for her to get back on the bed next to me.

"I love you more."

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