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The next morning I woke up alone, I heard the shower going so I grabbed my phone and checked my messages. I had one from an unknown number, I opened it cautiously and read it.

I heard you told someone about what I did. And I'm sure you remember what I told you when I did it. You're going to be sorry.

"Yelena!" I called out, the shower turned off and she came out in a t-shirt and shorts a couple minutes later. "We have a problem." I whispered.

"Let me guess, you caused it." She said jokingly.

"Actually yeah, I did cause it." I got up off the bed and clenched my hands.

"Ivy, what happened?" She stood in front of me and put her hands on my shoulders, trying to get me to look her in the eyes. "Sweetheart, please tell me what happened." She held my face in her hands and forced me to look her in the eyes.

"He knows that I told you guys. And he's gonna kill Kate." I choked out. "And it's all my fault, I shouldn't have told anyone." I fell to my knees. "I need to go check on Kate." I stood up slowly, legs wobbling.

"I'm coming with you." She grabbed my hand and we ran together to Kates room. I knocked on the door, there was no answer.

"Kate if you're in there open the fucking door!" I yelled, letting go of Yelena's hand and pounded on the door.

"Baby calm down." She grabbed my arm and held me close to her.

"What is happening?" Kate came up behind Yelena and I let out a sigh of relief. "Why are you pounding on my door?" Yelena moved out of the way so Kate could see my face.

"Thank God." I ran to her and pulled her into a tight embrace.

"Is anyone going to tell me what's happening or am I just going to have to guess?" She asked.

"Oh, sorry. I got a text from John Faley this morning and he said that he's going to do what he said he would do, which is kill you because he somehow heard that I told people about what he did." I said quickly, her mouth parted and she looked around.

"He's going to try to kill me?" She asked.

"Yeah." I breathed out.

"Oh. Well I don't think he's gonna succeed. I mean I live in a building with two black widow assassins, the best sword fighter in the world." She said, pointing at me. "A witch, a guy with spider powers, two archers, two super soldiers. People who can shoot laser beams out of their hands, a big green guy-"

"Ok, ok, we get the point." I stopped her. "I guess when you put it that way, there really is no way that he can kill you." I whispered.

"Exactly, so you don't have to worry about it." She patted me on the shoulder and walked into her room. "Please don't pound on my door." She said before shutting the door.

"So now what?" Yelena asked.

"I don't know. I just find it very suspicious that he found my number, and wouldn't he know that Kate was an Avenger? And lives in a building with like assassins and stuff." I sat down on the ground, trying to think. She sat down next to me and put her hand on my thigh.

"There's no way he's going to get to her." She said while gazing at me, she caressed my thigh with her thumb. "She's going to be ok, I promise." I nodded and put my head on her shoulder.

After a few minutes I slowly stood up and walked back to our room, Yelena following close behind. "Do you want some space?" She asked.

"No, I want to be with you." I told her, she smiled and shut the door behind us. I pulled her in for a gentle kiss and put my hands on her waist, she pushed me onto the bed, laughing. "I love you." I whispered, putting my arms around her and burying im my face in her neck.

"I love you too." She kissed my temple and then started kissing my neck, leaving small marks. I let out breathy moans and then guided her back up to my lips. She put her arms around me and held me against her for a few minutes.

"What if he comes in the night and takes her?" I asked.

"Shh, that's not going to happen." She said confidently, stroking my hair.

"How do you know?" I asked.

"Because everyone will make sure of it." She kissed my temple again and I held her tighter, never wanting to let go.

"I dont want anything to happen to her." I mumbled.

"I know babygirl, I know. And nothing will happen to her, so just relax." She waited for my body to relax and then slowly let go of me. "I'm going to get you some nice hot coffee and then we can watch movies together for the rest of the day." She promised me, I smiled with tears in my eyes.

"Sounds like a plan."

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