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"What do you mean Ivy? He wasn't murdered." Kate got up from her chair and walked over to me slowly.

"He was in the hospital bed. I was the only one in the room. You and mom had left to go get some food. He pulled the life support, he died right in front of me." I whispered to her.

"No! No one would do that!" She shook her head and looked around at everyone else. "Right, no one would be cruel enough to kill Dad!"

"Kate..." I trailed off. "I saw him do it, he made me promise not to tell, or else he would kill you too." Yelena, Natasha, and Tony were all straining their ears to listen. "And I couldn't let that happen." She scoffed.

"Ok Ivy, this isn't fair." She started. "The past fifteen years you pretend like you don't give a shit about anything! And then I bring you here, you fall in love with Yelena! And then you tell me that you've actually cared about me for the past fifteen years, and that somebody killed Dad?" She exclaimed, my jaw dropped and I looked around at everyone else.

"Of course I cared about you for the past fifteen years!" I yelled back, not acknowledging that she had told everyone about Yelena. "Why do you think I've stuck by you since we were kids?" Her lips quivered.

"I guess I just can't believe that you actually care about someone for once." She whispered.

"Ok, now that's not fair." I laughed.

"You have told me countless times that you are not like everyone else, and you didn't care about anyone, or need anyone, and you know how much that hurt, hearing that come from my sister?" She asked.

"And you've told me countless times that I do care and to stop blocking everything out! And you know what Kate, you were right! Because I met someone that reminds me that life is worth living. And I'm sorry, I'm so sorry that I made you feel like that for the past fifteen years! But I thought that if you knew that I cared, that you would leave."

"Well that's just a load of bullshit because I'm your sister and I would never leave you!" She yelled.

"Well I'm really sorry and I love you!" I yelled back.

"I love you too!" She said, I didn't even know why we were yelling at this point. "So did someone actually kill our father?" She asked, I nodded.

"Ok, well I can turn him away." Tony said awkwardly.

"You better do that or as soon as he walks in here I'm going to kill him." I looked at him with cold dead eyes and then turned back to Kate.

"Ok, well, I'm going to leave now." He whispered, turning and walking away.

"I have to go." I whispered, walking back to my room. I heard Yelena run to catch up to me. I ran to the room as fast as I could, shutting the door behind me and sitting down against it, leaning against it.

"Ivy." I heard Yelena's voice from outside the door. "Can you let me in?" She asked, I reluctantly opened the door and got off the ground to go lie down on the bed.

"Hi." I choked out.

"Hi." She sat down next to me. "I'm so sorry about your dad, I mean I knew that he passed away but that must've been terrible." She put her hand on my back. "And I didn't realize that I was the first one that made you think that life was worth living." She whispered, running her hand up and down my back.

"Well, now you know. Can I have some beer?" I asked. She shook her head.

"And again, I'm really sorry about your dad." She said, I leaned back and lied down.

"You don't have to apologize, you weren't there, you didn't know. And I honestly really don't need anyones sympathy." She looked down at me with a cold look.

"You're doing it again." She said firmly.

"Doing what?" I asked.

"Is that a serious question? You're trying to shut me out again. You just told me you loved me like an hour and a half ago, and now you're going to try to shut me out?" She got up off the bed.

"I'm sorry, I just don't feel like talking right now."

"Then what do you feel like doing?" She asked in a stern voice. "You never want to talk."

"Actually, I told you about things that only my sister knew. So that's not really fair." I pointed out, giving her a sarcastic smile.

"Yeah, you're right." She got back into the bed and lied down next to me. "But what you need is a friend. And luckily for you, I'm here." She patted the side of my face.

"But what if I don't want to be friends?" I whispered, she tilted her head, wanting me to say more. "I told you I loved you, and you said you loved me back. I don't know what else there is to say. I'm in love with you and I want to be more than friends." I said simply. "There, a week ago I was the cold hearted bitch who would never be able to sag that to someone." She kissed me on the lips suddenly.

"Then we can be more than friends." She smirked.

"What's your offer?" I smirked back.

"You could be my girlfriend." She said while smiling.

"I would like that." I leaned closer to her and kissed her lips again.

"Then let's make it official. Ivy Bishop, will you be my girlfriend?" She asked with our foreheads against each other.

"Yes, I will."

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