16 | Revisiting past.

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"You know what because of your big ass announcement I couldn't concentrate on anything the professor has to say." Julia speaks as I sit across Selena who is on the couch. Amy sits near me on the floor and brings two water bottles. 

"I am sorry. I abruptly told you guys about my secret so I thought you deserve a proper explanation. The one which doesn't feel rushed." She says.

"Tell us and spare us no details." Amy says and with that I brace myself. 

"Liam and I have known each other since elementary school uh I was new in the town when I became his friend. He had a best friend named Nick and well I came later but I easily became the third member of their group and we were inseparable. There was nothing we didn't do together, it was always us against the world. Life was good till we came in eighth grade and I sort of started to look at Liam differently you know. I knew that he also felt different but we didn't react to it because it was new and confusing. It was ninth grade when Liam finally asked me out and I got to know that he used to tell Nick about his feelings and that he was the one who pushed him to reach me out. After that things couldn't be better you know, I mean the reason why I didn't tell Liam about my feelings first was because I didn't want to create any sort of awkwardness in our group if two of us start dating. For months, it was just perfect Liam and I, our friendship with Nick was all good. But then..."

She stops and takes a huge breath. I guess I know which part she is going to tell us now. 

"Please don't hate me for what I am going to tell you guys." She says and that's when I notice the tremble in her voice. My eyes widen and beside her Julia touches her arm.

"Hey! You okay?" she asks but Selena just shakes on her seat. "You are scaring us Selena." Julia adds and beside me Amy watches my face. I told her about this but still hearing from her mouth will be different because she was the one who did the damage.

"We won't hate you, tell us." Amy encourages her and she nods before taking a huge gulp of water.

"At the end of our ninth grade I made some friends, they were from the cheerleading squad and it interests me a lot. It was quite refreshing to have a girl's opinions on things other than Liam and Nick. In school, Liam is known as this nerdy guy who takes advanced classes as if he is studying for every student body of school..."

"I think I just misheard your last words. Hottie as a nerdy guy?" Julia interrupts and Selena nods her head. 

"The hottie with looks that could kill, and not metaphorically...him he was nerdy?" she asks again, her features morphing in shock. Beside me Amy is shocked too I guess I didn't tell her this.

"I am not lying I know seeing him now makes you say this but yeah back in school, he was like that and there was a reason but..." she stops mid-sentence and I see how her features hold sadness. I get confused and before I can ask she changes the topic.

"He was like that in school and due to that sometimes we used to fight because our interests were changing, we couldn't find time for ourselves. I wanted to be a cheerleader and he wanted nothing related to sports. For him it was all about burying his nose between books so one day we fought because of that as he had big competition coming up and we planned a date but it turned out it was the same day as his competition. I always used to understand but that day it was my last straw. We fought about how we don't understand each other and didn't say anything for more than two months. Our final exams ended and summer vacation started. I went to visit my grandma because I knew staying here was not worth it. I had no friends to enjoy my vacation with, the one I made was all pretentious and going somewhere and the only two friends I have weren't talking to me. Liam was angry at me and Nick was too as he was his best friend so it was justified." She chuckles a little and continues.

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