08 | Alone.

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"I need to talk to you." Liam's voice rings in my ear and I look up to find him staring at me. My pulse spikes up seeing him after two days and whatever happened in those days keeps on rushing like a bad dream.

"What are you doing here?" I say rather harshly.

"I need to talk to you, Rose." He repeats and I close my eyes at that.

"I don't want to talk to you." I reply and stare at the screen.

"Please Rose just hear me out. I have been trying to get a hold of you for the past few days and I finally have you."

"You don't have me, you had me." I correct him. His features morph into sadness and I give myself an internal pat to cause it.

"I know. I know what I did has taken you away from me but please if you listen to me just once, I will have you back. I will make you understand everything and I am sure you won't be away from me." He says and I scoff.

"You sure do have the audacity not to mention confidence...overconfidence to be specific to think that I will be with you. You are delusional. What you did is not something I will ever forget so you better get the hell away from me." I warn him, trying to keep my voice as low as possible.

"And you are delusional if you think I will leave you alone without explaining my side. I won't go anywhere until you talk to me." He says adamantly. I stare into his eyes which have a serious look. I take notice of his face and see how pale his skin looks. He used to have naturally tanned skin but now seeing him after two days, it has lost the shine. His eyes look tired and under them the dark circles are huge and prominent. He looks tired, way too tired but then again he deserves it. I shouldn't think about his welfare but I can't help. My heart aches at the sight of him and it hurts to see him still looking good and to admit that my thoughts didn't change a bit. I still love him so much.

"If you are not ordering, can you please side and let us come through." A voice makes us break from eye contact and I look behind Liam to see a woman, glaring at us irritatingly. Crap, I completely forgot we are in public and I am working.

"No, I am not done ordering." Before I can apologize, Liam snaps at her. My eyes widen and I scold him.

"Can you stop being rude to my customers?" If somehow anyone complains about his behavior I would lose my job here.

"One sandwich and a coke, and I am still thinking about what I want." He ignores me and hands me his card. I was hesitant to take it but since I have to act like he is a customer, I take it.

"I know what you heard Rose and I'm sorry that you find out this way but please just give me a chance, one chance that's all I am asking. I know you are thinking that I used you that I was with you for revenge but no, no fuck no. I was with you because I wanted to, everything I said about my feelings was all real. I never lied to you about them." He rushes but keeps his volume low so only I can hear.

"And that's another lie you are trying to convince me into." I say to his face and continue.

"Here's your card. I request you to wait and sit comfortably while you think about your next order. Let other customers come through, it's not right to waste their time." I hand him his card and force a smile.

"I am not going anywh-" before he can say, the woman behind him complains again. His face turns angry, jaw clenches and as If I know what he will do. I extend my hand to put on his, to stop him saying anything rudely to her. He merely turns around but stops when I touch him. His body freezes and the moment I touch him I feel like I can't breathe, it burns painfully, all the memories and I remove my hand.

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