28 | Surprising Guest.

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Author's Note : Before we start this chapter I want to say something. I got few of your messages asking me who do I picture Evanna as and frankly speaking I don't know lol. I did make aesthetics in first book where I add pictures of my characters and tbh I just picked it out from Pinterest. :-D But after reading your messages I search quite a lot and come across the gif above. I won't say it's who Evanna is supposed to be but when I saw it, the resemblance at first matches to how I pictured when I wrote her character. So readers I am presenting you the gif above. Although you're free to picture whoever you like-its just my personal opinion. Also in future I might add the aesthetic chapter at the start of this book but for now work with gifs. 。◕‿◕。

Next morning I ready myself up for the class a bit earlier than others. Since we all four are present here I decide to prepare myself up for college first so nobody would be hogging the bathroom at the last minute. Although Amy and Selena do not have early classes but today they have to go to administer office about some queries related to their subject. I guess that's what they were talking about yesterday.

I prepare us a cup of coffee as I wake each one of them handing their coffee mug. They assemble in the hall, resembling like a rag doll with hairs that are messy and eyes droopy. Selena has clipping or curler I guess in her hairs and she takes them out resulting her hairs to bounce so nicely around her shoulders, giving a nice wave. I compliment her once she is ready and her hairs look more organized. Amy comes out after her and lastly Julia.

"I am still in doubt that you actually took shower. You came out like in five minutes." I say once we are out of the building.

"I did shower. It was a very fast shower." She says a bit too loudly and I hold in my smile.

"Give me your secret of fast shower then- where water actually drenches my body instead of my pits and face with a wet cloth." Amy teases and this time I laugh.

"You know it's your fault that I did that, you were occupying the bathroom with your slow ass that I didn't have much time left for a proper shower." She accuses.

"Excuse me! We have two bathrooms." I call out and she shoots me a look. I glance back at Selena who is checking her phone not really into the conversation of pulling Julia's leg.

"Everything's alright?" I ask, slowing my pace to match her. She startles and looks at me.

"Yeah, I am just checking for Liam's message. He didn't text me back." She frowns.

"Was it important?" I have to ask not because I want to know what actual text she is waiting for from him just if it's serious or not.

"No...I guess. He was supposed to be at my dorm last night but he wasn't."

"Well maybe because you were here that's why he didn't go there." I say. She is worried about his visit at her place when she herself was at mine yesterday. It doesn't make any sense.

"Yeah of course." She waves off and afterwards joins my other two friends. I watch the way she behaves suddenly her tense demeanor changes to fun one. I don't look into the matter much and head towards my chemistry class.

I pull my textbook and my notes before I go through the chapter Professor taught us before weekend. He said that he will take a quick quiz on the topic before going ahead. I highlight the sentence that I forgot to underline during my revision. As I am going through the notes again I feel a presence beside me. Without looking I smile and tap the page I am on.

"You done with this?" I ask Drake.

"Don't mention it." He replies and I look when I hear how groggy his voice sound. My eyes widen when I see a noticeable bruise on his left cheek.

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