25 | Why do you love me?

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"Well I don't know what to say other than that it's complicated." Dylan speaks after I tell him the little glimpse of what I am going through. I omitted all the information about the bet, and other moments which are either too humiliating to tell him or too private.

"This friend of yours has a history with him and although it doesn't matter much only if the past is full of rainbow and sunshine was it though?" he asks me and I shake my head. I haven't enclosed about Selena and Liam's past either. Just that they used to date and now they are dating after quite a break in between.

"Well I can understand why she didn't tell you due to the fear of judging and you yourself said she was at fault in the past but why didn't Liam tell you about her? I mean if he likes you he should be honest with you before." He says and I can't agree more with him.

"I have got to know about it on my own and I also find out that they are dating." Secretly.

"So he was there today because he was conflicted? Between you and her?" You, I want you goddammit. I need you not anyone. His words echo in my head making my heart burdens more.

"He isn't conflicted; he just likes playing with me."

"Look Evanna I am not stupid to not see that you hid things from me in this story telling. And I totally understand you not wanting to share it but...don't get me wrong. I heard some of the stuffs you guys were talking about back there. I mean I was quite far but due to your shouting I heard things which doesn't make any sense but your expression and his said a lot."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean that what you guys had or have regardless of him being with your friend. Why was he out there punching me every time he gets if you guys were not something?"

"Because he was jealous. He doesn't like the idea of me being with someone when he himself having a romance going on with my friend. He is such a hypocrite, he wants me to suffer and...he told me that I invited you over to spite him. Like can you believe it? That guy is with my friend and has the audacity to yell on me that I am doing something wrong by hanging out with you." I feel angry tears in my eyes and I swallow my rage.

"Were you?"

"What?" I look confusedly at Dylan.

"Did you invite me over because you wanted to spite him?" He explains and I find my jaw hanging in shock.

"What? No...how...why would you think that?" I stammer. Maybe because he thinks that since you cancelled on him first and later told him to meet. My subconscious tells me.

"What I am saying is you are angry on Liam right? So maybe somewhere deep down in your subconscious mind you want to get even on him. As in you told me he hates me for some reason so maybe that is why you agreed on meeting me. I mean you cancelled on me but then you called me later. Maybe it's your subconscious doing that." He says and I find myself in frenzy. Is he speaking truth? Whatever he said does it contain any ounce of truth? Did I invite him over again because....no, no what the hell I am even thinking? Of course I invite him because I want to meet him.

"No Dylan...I can understand you think like that but...it isn't because of Liam. My friend told me that I should meet you regardless of what I am going through, to be around people who makes me happy and which is why I am here. I am not using you Dylan for that kind of purpose." I frantically say to make him understand I am not that kind of person.

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