41 | A warning siren.

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My mind is racing with wild thoughts—thoughts that are making me so damn nervous. The fear within me is spreading like a wildfire as I drive madly in the streets of New York City.

The call Rose gave me fifty minutes ago is still going on my phone as I drive through her café. I called Selena a while back to find out about Rose whereabouts and she told me that she is at some club for her café friend birthday. When she told me that Rose is in a club, the worst thing that could happen in clubs crossed my mind. Making me choke in fear.

Scenarios aren't stopping in my head and the more scratchy sound comes out through my speaker, the more I become afraid. Club is not a place that consider safe and knowing Rose, how fucking innocent she is—she can be an easy target for all those people looking for a prey.

Although she don't drink yet there's a possibility someone could spike her drink like how in that party where she came due to Jason, she was out of her senses. She only drank water like she said but I am sure someone must've slipped a pill or something in that bottle that made her movements slow and tone slurred. She was with her friends that time yet she was wandering alone in the kitchen. There's a high chance she could be alone too no matter if she is in the club with known people.

Sometimes known could be what you have to look for.

"Fucking move, goddammit!" I shout seeing the man who stops his car in the middle for god knows what fucking reason. I honk repeatedly until he starts moving like a snail.

I overtake him and he abruptly apply his brake in startled. I smirk.

Suits him.

Selena name flashes on my screen but since Rose is in the call. It cuts off with line busy message. I know she must be curious as to why I sounded urgent when I asked about Rose. I told her that it was due to some class work but her nosey ass is still calling me. I could have told her the real reason but I have to find out the actual reason first before I panic her friends.

I arrive to the café even though it's close my place yet it took me twenty minutes to reach here because I visited Rose's place first to check but Selena picked the call in mid so I took reverse.

I hurriedly get out from my car and rush towards the entrance of café. Through the mirror I see that old sandwich giver woman and the tattooed guy who I fought with one time.

Their head turn to my side when I reach the counter. It looks like they're closing with the upside chair on table and the lights that are half lit on ceiling.

"Oh hey Lia..."

"Where's Rose?" I cut that woman off and she seems surprised by my tone.


"Evanna! Where's she?" I can't control the urgency and loudness in my voice as I say. She frowns and steps closer to the counter.

"You okay? You look a b..."

"Just tell me goddammit. Where's Evanna right now?" I shout. She jumps a little and the pen behind her ear falls on the floor.

"She is in club celebrating Audrey birthday with her friends." She replies.

"What club?"

"What do you mean?"

"The name of the fucking club. What is it?" This old woman either have shit ears or she is genuinely testing my patience.

Through my peripheral vision I see that tatted guy coming towards us and that old woman looks like she is thinking.

"I... I don't remember. I guess it's something—"

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