Chapter 40

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Chase sits to one side of me, and Macy the other. Sam and Rebekah are probably off canoodling in some corner. Ever since they started dating, they just can't keep their hands off each other. It's cute, it is, but it also makes me want to projectile vomit.

Perhaps it's because it's a reminder of just how lonely I am, yearning for something I can't quite find. Something that I once had.

I want forehead kisses and butterflies that have my stomach reeling. I want silly conversations and inside jokes. I want stolen glances and hidden smiles. I want to be so terribly, deeply, unequivocally in love with someone...again.

"There they are!" Chase screams. I watch as the football players run to the field, and everyone goes bizzerk. Loud cheers erupt; people jump to their feet to welcome the teams. I don't know how Sam managed to get us such good seats. I can so clearly see the players, and am honestly afraid of getting hit in the face by a football.

As predicted, we're up 20-15 with only a minute left on the clock. Everyone's on their feet, anticipating an easy win. And then it happens.

Number 19 practically runs through the players, knocking them out of his way as he gets closer to the goal line. Five seconds remain on the clock, and the entire arena holds its breath.

Five. He shoves a player from our team. Four. He runs through the defence. Three. Someone tries to tackle him. Two. His foot hovers the goal line. One. Touchdown. And the clock goes off.

The sound is deafening. So, so loud. I can't manage to hear my own thoughts, let alone understand what just happened.

As the crowd screams in glee, I watch number nineteen. Even without seeing his face, something about him is eerily familiar. Perhaps it's his stance or the way he carries himself on the field, but I can just feel that I know him.

Almost in slow motion, I watch as he takes off his helmet, his blonde hair freed from its constraint. In an arena filled with joyous faces, my own face pales. Memories of my past come flooding in, stinging my eyes and stabbing my heart. It's Liam. Number 19 is Liam. 

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