Chapter 54

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The sour liquid goes down my throat, and infiltrates my body. And then I drink another. And another. And another.

"Are you sure you...?" I look at my empty shot glass, and then at the worried expression of the bartender.

"Dude, just pour him one more." Jason sits beside me, and shakes his head. "Are you seriously still thinking about her? It's been, what, three days?"

I take one last shot, slamming the glass on the table, and walking away. "Li, come on. We're supposed to be celebrating," Jason says while following me. I run my hands through my hair, and make my way through the crowd.

I know he's right. We are supposed to be celebrating. The entire football team came here to party, and I'm the only one not doing that.

I can't help it, though, because no matter how hard I try, I can't seem to forget Ava. Her smile, her voice, her scent, the kiss. How her lips felt so soft against my skin. She's everywhere, and nowhere at the same time.

And it's driving me insane.

"Wait." Jason turns me around, panicked, and suddenly not making eye contact. "I forgot to tell you, but..." I look to where he's looking. "I might've invited her to the party."

"You what?"

"I thought you guys were fine!"

"When have we ever been fine, J?" He rolls his eyes.

"I'll go get her..." And I'm gonna need a few more shots. 

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