Chapter 61

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We're in a busy elevator. The lights are dull. My heart's racing. Aaron's looking at me with a devilish temptation in his eyes, and I just know I'm screwed.

We need to go to the twentieth floor of this apartment complex, and I'm sure people will make their way out after the first few floors.

And they do. And we're alone.

Before I can speak, Aaron traps me between him, and a wall. I can feel the cold metal against my skull as he kisses me, my wrists held on top of my head.

I kiss him back, smiling at the feeling of his soft lips against my own. In need of some leverage, I try to pull my hands away from his restraint, but he doesn't budge.

Instead, he keeps one hand holding my wrists, the other digging into my side. I breathe heavily, his hand tracing my body, and eventually lifting me off the ground.

I wrap my legs around his waist, and hold onto the back of his neck while he kisses mine. And as the elevator door opens, he leads me into his apartment, and to his room.

I'll never get used to how grandiose Aaron's place really is. Plush pillows, and huge mirrors, even though it's not his style, it's still beautiful.

I feel the soft mattress under my body as he throws me onto his bed, a mischievous smirk on his face. I stare at him as he towers above me, and pulls down my lip, dragging his thumb along the bottom row of my teeth.

I'm reminded of our first kiss, and all the emotions that came with it. I know he's thinking about it, too, because he suddenly pauses what he's doing. I use this moment to pull him onto the bed, and straddle his lap. 

He looks up at me now, and I give him a soft kiss on the cheek, neutralizing this otherwise heated moment. With our faces inches apart, I whisper, "Looks like we're making up for lost time.

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