Chapter 43

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I only see black when I wake up, my eyes too tired to open. What happened? Where am I? Why can't I remember anything?

"She was shocked," a woman's voice says. "And with the dehydration, and fatigue..." I don't hear the rest of her sentence. Instead, I think back to my day, trying to piece together information. 

I woke up and went to the few classes I had, and once I got home, Macy told me that we had tickets to a football...

And it hits me. I suddenly panic, and shoot out of the bed I'm lying in. My breathing is strained, and I lean back on the palms of my hands because my body feels suddenly too heavy. 

As I assess my surroundings, I find myself in a small room with my arm attached to an IV drip. An older woman stands to my right, and she gives me a kind smile.

"You're alright, just a small mishap. Thankfully your boyfriend brought you here as fast as he could." I look at her in confusion, and she gestures to the other side of the room. 

My jaw falls to the floor. My chest heaves in anxiety. My mind races with thoughts. I'm even more of a mess now that I see him.

Staring at the floor with his head in his hands is Liam. Liam, the boy I haven't seen in a year. Liam, the boy I thought I was completely over. Liam, the boy who looks so defeated right now. Beep. Beep. Beep. The heart monitor goes off, and he gets up from his chair, looking at me in worry.

"She's fine." The doctor holds up her hand, and he slowly backs away. "Whenever you're ready, dear," she looks at me while taking off the equipment on my arm. "You can leave. I'll give you two some time alone." 

And then it's silent. 

I awkwardly try to get myself to my feet, feeling slightly lightheaded, but overall not too bad. I really don't want any time alone because I have no idea what to say.

Instead, I walk to the bathroom, washing my face in cold, cold water. I let it infiltrate my body, and shock me awake. Whatever sedative they gave me makes me feel more tired than I should be right now.

And reluctantly, I find myself looking in the mirror. Lifeless. That's the first word that comes to mind when I see my pale face, and reddened eyes. I comb my fingers through my hair, and straighten out my clothing before I finally head back outside.

He's sitting in the same spot as before, and I clear my throat to get his attention. "Uh-thank you for, you know." I gesture vaguely to the room, and try to smile.

"The medic said you can't drive yourself, so you have to come with me." Oh. He gets up from his chair without making any eye contact. The Liam I know never used to act so distant.

"What about Chase? He's my friend, and he was here with me-"

"He left. You can ask him to pick-"

"No," I say a little too fast. "Uh-sorry. I mean because our house is kinda far, and it'll take awhile for him to get here."

"Our house?"

"Yeah, we're roommates." His face contorts at the statement, and he starts rummaging through his backpack that's lying on the floor.

"You're gonna have to stay at my place then." The shock on my face is evident because he stops what he's doing, actually looks at me, and then rolls his eyes. "Your friend left you here while you were sick. I don't think he knows how to take care of anyone." Right. Liam's just being nice. Nothing more. And from one of the pockets of his backpack, he pulls out his car keys, giving me a half-smirk as he starts to walk toward the door.

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