Chapter 84

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The song ends, and I swear the band is staring at us, at Aaron more specifically, their mouths agape as if they can't believe he's really here. This place must mean more to him than he's letting on.

The lead singer jumps off the stage, and walks towards us. "Aaron?" He has a thick accent of someplace I can't quite decipher, messy blonde hair, and pierced ears—a quintessential band member look.

"No way, dude! You wanna play a song with us? For old times sake?" I stare at Aaron now, and he looks guilty, almost caught in a lie he never actually told. I just assumed we'd come here to listen to music, not that he used to sing here himself.

"He sang with you?" I prod although I'm not really a part of the conversation. The band member turns to me, only now realising I exist. A warm smile coats his face, different to the loud persona he has on stage.

"Yeah, fuckin phenomenally at that. I'm Ed, by the way." He brings out his hand, and I take it, introducing myself in the process of shaking it. "He's a natural," he continues, referring to Aaron again. "Hits every note with a sort of ease."

Of course Aaron doesn't smile at the compliment, or really register that it's been said at all. I nudge him a little to bring him out of his trance.

"Oh uh, thank you," he musters. I see that look of contemplation on his face, a face between a sort of frown, and pout. I don't want to force him to do anything, so I just keep hold of his hand, giving it a little squeeze of reassurance, a little "It'll be fine either way."

And after a moment, when Aaron's face returns neutral, I'm predicting an answer, a will he, won't he soundtrack running through my mind.

"Alright." He pauses. I hold my breath. "I'll do one song." And I feel a sort of elation take form in my stomach, the soundtrack stopping as I now know that he will. He will. He will. He will.

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