Chapter 42

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I'm dreaming. I'm dreaming. I'm dreaming. But the pain in my chest feels so real this time. And the beating of my heart more visceral than ever before.

Her brown eyes gape in my direction, and I'm completely mortified. I study the dips and curves of the girl in front of me, and the more I do, the more real she looks. Her hair sways in this windy arena, and her cheeks are pink from the cold.

I can feel her presence, and that's unlike any dream I've ever had of her. It's like if I reach out my hand, she'll actually take it. It's like she can feel me too.

This is real. Ava is actually standing in front of me. Pain. Anger. Confusion. Relief. A plethora of emotions course through my veins. As I take a closer look at her, though, only fear is left. Her eyes are closing, and her stance unsteady.

I watch in horror as she begins to fall, and I rush to catch her before she can hit the ground. "Medic. We need a medic!" I scream out to no one in particular as I hold her limp body.

"Hey." I shake her shoulders, but she's unresponsive, pale as a ghost. Shit. "Someone get a fucking medic in here!" I scream again.

"Who are you?" A guy beside her asks. I pay him no mind.

"Ava," I rasp. "Wake up." Still nothing. I pinch my eyes shut, hoping, hoping, hoping, that she's okay.

"I'm Chase." The guy continues. "And I'm friends with her." That catches my attention. I turn to face him, and find that he's around my age. His hair is black, his eyes a dark shade of brown. I don't think I like him, but that doesn't matter right now.

"Do you know why she fainted?" I prod for any information I can find.

"I don't know, man. We were watching the game, and she just randomly went quiet. Next thing I knew she was toppling to the ground." Fuck. I still have no clue why this happened.

And after waiting for what feels like ages, the medics finally show up. I carry Ava towards the stretcher, not caring about all the eyes staring at us.

Her heart beats against my chest, and I nuzzle her in my arms. "It's okay. You're gonna be okay." I rub her back in affirmation, hoping that she can hear me.

It feels like a pointless effort, but then, the quietest whisper leaves her lips. "Liam." And my heart has never felt so much emotion from simply hearing my name.

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