Bob Saget

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(Okay, I know the title is weird, but I got this idea when I found out Bob Saget died. RIP to the man who brought the greatest TV dad of all time to life. I grew up watching Full House reruns every night before bed, my heart hurts thinking about this. So, I'm writing to process it. I hope y'all like this. It is shorter than normal)
Jay was shivering when he walked in the apartment, it was 12 degrees with a wind chill of -3. It was COLD. But, they needed food for the week and the next several days were only going to be colder, so he went to the store while Hailey was in the shower.

The last thing he expected when he walked inside with all the groceries was for Hailey to be curled up on the couch, crying. He put all the grocery sacks on the kitchen floor then ran over to his wife, alarmed.

"Hailey, what's wrong? Are you hurt?!" He looked her over frantically, trying to find a physical cause of her tears.

"No, Jay, I'm fine, it's stupid," she got up to go in the other room but he stopped her and brought her chin up so she'd look up at him.

"Hailey Anne, what's wrong?" He asked gently. She averted her eyes and sighed.

"You're gonna laugh or think it's stupid, and that would hurt me really bad right now," she mumbled, tugging her fingers.

"No, babe, I promise I won't laugh or think it's stupid. Please just talk to me," he encouraged her as he wiped her cheeks.

Hailey sniffed and nodded slowly. She was about to let Jay in on a secret about her life that no one else knew.

"Bob Saget died today," she dropped her head down so she couldn't see if he was going to laugh or anything.

Jay took a second to process who it was and thought it was a little odd she was this upset about it, but Hailey never needlessly got upset, so she had to have a reason.

"The dad from Full House?" He asked for clarification.

Hailey nodded and pulled away and ran to their room, burying her face into her pillow as she cried. Jay stood in the living room for a second, confused. He rubbed the back of his neck, took off his coat, and followed Hailey.

"Hails, talk to me, please. I don't think it's stupid, but I am confused. Help me understand so I can help you," he sat down and put his hand on her back, feeling how hard she was shaking with her cries.

Hailey rolled over and looked at him, lip trembling as tears ran down her cheeks. She hiccuped a sob and wiped her cheeks.

"I've never told anyone this except my brothers, I don't know why, but it's something I've always kept to myself. It felt safe. Please, don't tell anyone," she begged, looking up through her teary blue eyes.

"I won't, baby, I promise," he leaned down and kissed her.

Hailey sighed and sat up, though she wouldn't look at Jay as she started talking.

"Growing up, before we had the diner, we'd watch Full House before bed if my dad wasn't home. It was funny and something the three of us would agree on. We loved it. I still love it. And then my dad started getting drunk more often and would start screaming at my mom when he'd come home. Then the hitting started and after the first month of being beaten 6 times, all I wanted was a dad like Danny Tanner. It's why I hoped he would get sober, because he could be so sweet and caring and funny without alcohol. It's all I ever wanted, Jay. It's what I'd put on my Christmas list when I was little, too. But then I realized it would never happen, so I'd just watch Full House and imagine I was in a family with a loving dad. I know the show will still come on, but seeing that Bob Saget died brought up so much and it's still all I want. I just wish I had a loving dad, and the man who represented that for me is gone and-" Hailey broke off into sobs and hid her face in her knees.

Jay's heart absolutely shattered in that moment as he saw the broken, scared little girl showing within his strong partner and wife. "Hailey, baby, c'mere," he gently tugged her towards him and she fell into his chest, still hysterical.

He could tell by the way she kept shutting her eyes tighter and scratching her right hand that she was having flashbacks of her childhood. He carefully pulled her hands apart and covered her with a blanket, trying to avoid her scratching herself.

"Hailey, listen to my voice. You went through hell growing up, and I wish I could make that go away for you and give you the childhood you deserved. I'm so glad you had that way of escaping and laughing with Full House. What you feel right now is valid, babe. I'm right here for it and for you. You're safe now," Hailey turned and held onto him, releasing the emotions of the childhood she had so desperately wanted but never got.

Once Hailey finally settled down and opened her eyes, she hugged Jay tight.

"Thank you for not laughing at me," she sniffed.

"Hails, don't thank me," he kissed her head and rubbed her back. She nodded a little and cuddled up against him, now worn out.

"What do you say we go put away the groceries, I'll make some dinner, and we watch Full House?" He suggested and Hailey smiled up at him as she nodded.

They went back out to the kitchen and got everything sorted, then Jay started making ravioli for dinner while Hailey tidied up. After they ate, they went and changed into comfy clothes and settled on the couch to watch Full House.

Jay watched as his wife laughed and smiled through a few episodes, until there was a deep father-daughter moment. Then Hailey's tears started up again as she was hit with a longing for what she wished she had as a kid. Something she still desperately wanted. He simply held her and let her feel everything she needed to feel.

Hailey was thankful Jay did that for her, it was something she had needed. She felt safe to let her emotions go that night, she felt safe in general, then she fell asleep on the couch curled up in her husband's lap. Jay carried her to bed and tucked her in before shutting down the apartment and getting in bed with her.

"I love you, Hailey Anne. You're safe now," he whispered into her hair before he went to sleep. He hoped Hailey really knew she was safe now.

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