Boyfriend Saves the Day pt. 2

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(Things are only getting worse for Hailey, and she needs help. Definitely AU. Let me know if you want me to continue with this plot at all and what you'd want to see!)
Elizabeth Halstead wasn't sure what to expect when there was frantic knocking on the door a 1:30 in the morning, but she certainly didn't except Hailey Upton to be standing on the front porch with a bag, crying, covered in bruises and cuts, shivering from the rain.

"Hailey, honey, what's going on?" She let her in and Pat went upstairs to get Jay.

"C-can I stay he-here?" Hailey sobbed.

"Of course, but what's going on? How did you get here?" Elizabeth asked again, taking Hailey's bag.

"Cab," Hailey sniffedc ignoring the other part of the question.

"Hailey, what happened?" Jay asked as he ran downstairs.

Hailey wrapped her arms around Jay and cried into his shoulder. He held her carefully, unsure of the extent of her injuries. His parents watched them, alarmed. Hailey had very clearly been beat up, she had a black eye, bloody nose, busted lip, cuts on her face, bruises on her neck and wrists, and that's just what they could see. They couldn't see the bruises around her ribs and stomach or the scratches and bruises on her legs from her efforts to kick her father away from her. It had worked, and she had grabbed a bag she kept packed, her backpack, her phone, and ran from the house before she called a cab.

"Are you okay?" Jay asked her.

"No," so sobbed.

"Do you need a hospital?" He asked.

"I don't know."

"You need to let my mom take a look. She'll know if you do, Hails," he said gently, trying to encourage Hailey to let go of him.

"Kay," she sniffed, stepping away slowly.

"Hailey, are you hurt anywhere else?" Elizabeth asked.

Hailey slowly nodded. "My ribs and leg," she mumbled.

"Alright, can I lift your shirt a little?" Hailey nodded. Elizabeth lifted her shirt and gasped, her ribs were black and blue.

"Honey, these are probably broken, we need to go to the hospital," Hailey shook her head, her breathing picking up.

"Hails, you do. It's okay," Jay said, hugging her.

"No, they'll take me away!" Hailey cried, panicked.

"What do you mean?" Pat asked.

Hailey looked at Jay, she didn't know what to do. She desperately wanted to be safe and for someone to tell her everything would be okay, but she didn't want to be in the system. Jay nodded gently, indicating that everything would be okay if she told his parents. Hailey sighed the best she could with her ribs.

"I-if I go to the hospital, they'll get suspicious. I'll be taken by DCFS, I don't want to go into the system. I hate it at home, especially when my mom leaves for weeks at a time, but I don't want to be a foster kid," Hailey explained, looking at the ground the entire time.

"Hailey, have you been to the hospital for injuries like this before?" Elizabeth asked, looking at Jay's expression before looking back at Hailey.

Hailey nodded. "A few times."

"Who did this to you, Hailey?" Pat asked, deeply concerned.

"You can tell them," Jay encouraged her.

"My, uh, my dad," she admitted, breaking down as she told an adult for the first time.

"Oh, Hailey," Elizabeth immediately pulled Hailey into her arms and held the shaking teenager.

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