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(This is set a couple years in the future! Hailey's been sick for days, so they finally go to the doctor and find out what's wrong. Just pretend Will and Natalie got married and she never left)
Hailey woke up with overwhelming nausea and ran for the bathroom, barely making it to the toilet before she emptied her stomach. She kept her eyes shut as she heaved, trying not to cry from the pain of it. She felt a hand on her back and her hair was pulled behind her shoulders.

"I'm here, Hails," Jay's voice was comforting as she heaved again. He knew how much she hated throwing up, it scared her, and she'd been having issues with her stomach for a few days. She was having a hard time with it.

Hailey finished and wiped her mouth with toilet paper before she flushed and leaned back into Jay. "Time?" She questioned, having no clue if it was even morning yet.

"5:48, you can lay down if you want to. You still don't have a fever, Hails. I'm worried about you," Jay helped Hailey stand as he spoke and grabbed her toothbrush so she could get the taste out of her mouth.

"I'll be fine, something just didn't agree with my system and I'm still trying to get it out I guess," Hailey huffed, annoyed with her body. She was over the random nausea and vomiting, and her stomach had a persistent dull ache.

"It's been three days, Hailey. I think it's time to go see Will or Nat," Jay had been trying to convince Hailey to go to med for the last 24 hours. To no one's surprise, she was strongly resisting.

"No, it's fine, I'm not nauseous anymore. I'm gonna get some tea and rest before work," Hailey didn't wait for a response and headed for the kitchen.

Jay sighed and followed her, knowing he wouldn't win this battle. He also knew that if Hailey felt horrible, she'd stay home if she really needed to. She'd have to feel like hell, but she would if it was bad enough.

Hailey drank her tea, ate a piece of toast, and dozed off for thirty minutes before she got ready for work and the two of them headed to the district. Jay gave Hailey a look before they went inside and she smiled a little.

"I'm okay right now, babe. Not wonderful, but I am okay. No nausea," she squeezed his hand before going inside and Jay let out a breath as he followed her up.

Hailey was fine for a while. She was still tired and felt off, but she was okay. Jay could see that as well as they worked the case. Hailey also told him she was good multiple times since she could feel Jay's eyes basically boring into her soul every few minutes.

They were out on a call when they chased a guy into a warehouse and a foul smell hit them like a ton of bricks. Hailey couldn't handle it and ran out to throw up.

"Upton!" Voight called as she ran by him.

"I got her!" Kim turned and followed Hailey, gasping when she found her friend around the corner, puking.

"Hail, you okay?" She asked, taking one of Hailey's hands and rubbing her shoulder.

"Fine," Hailey heaved again and Kim rolled her eyes.

"Sure you are. Come on, talk to me, Hail. Are you sick?" Kim pressed, still supporting Hailey as the blonde prayed her stomach would settle.

"No," Hailey sighed and stood up, leaning against the wall. "I ate something that my body didn't like the other day and have been messed up for a few days. It's fine."

"Are you sure? That's not normal for you," Kim pointed out.

"I guess, I don't have fever so it has to be food related," Hailey shrugged.

"It couldn't be anything else?" Kim asked, suspicious.

"Like what?" Hailey was getting annoyed and Kim could tell.

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