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Harry wasn't sure what to say, but he didn't trust the exchange students. He grabbed his trunk, got in the fireplace, and used floo powder to get to Kings Cross station, where a new floo network had recently opened.

After he landed on the wizard's side of Kings Cross, he put his trunk on a trolley and sighed. He looked behind him. Hermione had just muttered "Wingardium Leviosa" and now her and Ron's trunks were floating. He felt an anger spike. He should have thought of that. He was Harry Potter. He felt a hand on his. He looked next to him, and saw Ginny, smiling at him. He calmed himself down, and did the same thing Hermione had done for himself and his girlfriend.

He looked at the clock. It said 10:59. "Hurry up, we don't want to be late again. He and Ron smiled at each other, reminiscing about the time where they got locked out and had to use a flying car to get to Hogwarts, eventually crashing into a whomping willow and driving the car into the forbidden forest. Hermione and Ginny seemed to know what their boyfriends were thinking about, and rolled their eyes, saying "boys". They ran onto the express, and looked for any open compartments. All of them had 8 or more people, including the one where Neville, Luna, Dean, Seamus, and 6 others were. Neville had also gained popularity after the battle of Hogwarts for killing the last horcrux in Nagini and saving Ron and Hermione.

"There should be one more compartment on the train to fit 20 people? Let's find that compartment. Come on Ginny", Hermione said. She looked back and saw Harry and Ron sneaking towards the snack cart. Couldn't even wait till the cart passed them. She sighed." Ugh, boys. Ginny, bring your brother and boyfriend here". Harry and Ron turned red and ran back towards her. She waited for them and then walked into the compartment. There were 12 people there, none of whom Hermione recognized. Ginny, Ron, and Harry walked in behind her.

Harry didn't like this. New students or death eaters? There were still some around even though Voldemort was gone by now. He started analyzing everyone. Dumb blonde and jock. Emo and African American. Chinese bully. Lazy kid. Emo number 2 and blondie with glasses. Elf and choppy. Mean girl and the one normal person in this compartment. "Who are you?", Harry asked these people. "We could ask the same for you" Dumb Blonde responded. Harry was shocked. He had saved their miserable lives, and they didn't even know who he was. After a silence, Ron slowly said, "Bloody hell, how have you not heard of him? He saved England, he's a hero".

He had his hand in his pocket and was ready to pull out his wand when the Jock spoke. "We are the exchange students from America, from Olympia's Institute of Magic. We transferred here because we have passed the teachers when it comes to talent level at magic. As for why we don't know who he is, we were never informed about the whereabouts of Hogwarts, and what happened with the British wizards". Harry let go of his wand and pulled his hand out of his pocket. The rest of the exchange students looked shocked at his speaking except choppy. Maybe he didn't speak much. Harry nodded, and Ron, Hermione, and Ginny nodded. Then Harry noticed their death eater tattoos.

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