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They all switched to English, and Piper asked Jason, "any head instances to be informed of? Plates, light bulbs, anything?". Jason murmured something along the lines of yes.

Piper held open her hand and Leo groaned, "how can you still be this unlucky after death?". He reluctantly dropped 10 drachmas into Piper's hand, and he dropped his head into his arms. "You guys bet on me?', Jason asked, feigning a look of hurt. Piper was about to speak when McGonagall rolled around to their section, and her jaw dropped. "Your teachers severely undermined your talents, wonderful job". She continued making rounds around the room. Once she finished, she went back up to the front of the class and spoke a sentence that got everyone's attention.

"Now for the next half hour, we will be discussing the process of turning into animagi". Everyone quieted, and even the demigods gave their full attention. "Now, turning into one is no piece of cake, you have to keep a mandrake leaf in your mouth for one month". Protests started. "How the Hades do we keep it there for a month", Leo shouted out. Nico winced at his sentence. Leo continued, "This is bu-". "Language dear", Calypso smiled at him sweetly. Leo calmed down, and then Calypso slapped him. "You have to calm down, okay?", she said. "Yeah yeah, I can do that", he responded.

"I don't know how you will do it, but it is up to you. Each person must figure out how to keep it there for a month, and then your animal will appear. Something close to your personality". Percy spoke up. "Okay, we need a plan to do it. A lot of the wizards can use spells. We can make up our own spells using latin obviously. What should we try?". Hazel interjected, "Mist. we can use the mist to make it so that it is invisible, we cant feel it, and it won't fall out". "Holy Hera, will that even work?", Leo said in awe. Hazel winked. "Remember, the trick to using mist is making people see what they want to see, and I think all of us want to see this happen. Thalia I may need your help". Thalia nodded and walked over.

Hazel and Thalia wove the mist so hard that they could not even tell that the leaf was there. "Incredible, Hazel you have done it again", Frank smiled, wrapping her up in a bear hug. Hermione walked over. "What are you guys doing?", Hermione asked. "Secret of the trade", Thalia replied, kicking her feet up. Hermione clenched her fists in frustration. Looking at the look on Hermione's eyes, Hazel slowly muttered, "mist". "What is that supposed to mean?", Hermione asked. "It means what I said". Then she started to walk away, followed by the rest of her family. Class was over after all, and next up in their path of 'destruction', was Charms.

83 more reads are needed. come on guys, let's do this. WE CAN DO THIS. please do read, comment on anything you want to see (i will try to incorporate it into the books), and vote to show me that you enjoyed the story. Peace!


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