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Harry walked up. As friendly as he was with the exchange students, he was not expecting these animals. He had certainly never heard of a pegasus, or a unicorn for one's animagus. He walked up to McGonagall, and asked for the potion. She obliged, and he drank the potion. Like all others, he had to wait until the strike of lightning for the potion to take full effect. He felt the call and answered it immediately.

He began transforming, his face growing a little bit longer, his arms and legs growing as well. 2 large antlers developed on his head. He smiled. He transformed back into a human, and he smiled. His animagus form was a stag, and he had found yet another way to follow in his fathers footsteps. By doing this, he could carry his fathers legacy further. As he walked back, he noticed applause from Percy. Slowly but surely, the rest of the exchange students started to clap for him as well. He smiled at Percy, letting him know that he appreciated the gesture. He walked back, and stood there with his 2 best friends, unsure of how this day could go wrong. He waited, and then the next name was called.


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