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"I think we have some stuff to talk about, don't we professor?", Nico asked, not looking for a response. Bunns gulped, and floated outside with Nico. As Nico left the classroom, he looked back at his friends and family. He grinned, and winked at them. This was for them. Annabeth rolled her eyes. She swore that Nico still had a child inside him at times.

She couldn't hear what Nico was saying, but she assumed it was something Hades had put him up to. She shifted her attention back to the class, and she saw the "golden trio" not-so-discreetly staring at and whispering about them.

She tried to hone in her hearing on them, pushing the rest of the world out of her head. It was a neat trick when you were expecting a sneak attack, to be able to hone in your hearing. It also helps when someone just won't shut up, like some of her close friends would do. She cursed herself. Stupid ADHD. she focused on them, and heard more reasons on why they weren't to be trusted.

"I'm telling you, this is all weird. Nobody can place fear a ghost that effectively. More to the point, he is a teacher. Something is seriously wrong with Nico, we have to incapacitate him, or worse if needed", Hermione said, out of breath.

"Bloody hell Hermione", Ron started. Annabeth winced. Those few words still made her slightly uncomfortable. "I don't trust him either, but you seem to have a full on hatred for him. Did you see him do something when we weren't around? Obviously we were there when the whole battle thing happened, but was there anything else?", he ended. Annabeth seethed. How could have they gotten into battle even after she instructed them not to. This is what they came to stop.

"Okay guys, I have to tell you something. I saw Nico do some things in a dream. I wasn't exactly sure until now, when he interacted with professor Binns like that, even though he is a ghost. During my dream, I saw Nico summon some skeletons, then kill them immediately. He must take pleasure in killing things. I also saw him raise the dead", Hermione said.

Hermione looked aound a couple times, and lowered her voice before saying the next sentence. "I think Nico is a necromancer". Annabeth almost exploded. She thought to herself. control. You have to find out. What would Athena do? She calmed herself, and listened in on the wizards again.

"That would explain why the guys a flippin creep. Not sure how this will classify as right or wrong, but if the sorting hat isnt alive, that means its undead. Being a necormancer should give you control over the undead, explaining how the exchange students all got sorted into Gryffindor!", Harry exclaimed, slowly getting more excited as he found reasons to why the exchange students are evil. Annabeth couldn't take another word of this. She was about to storm out of her seat, when Binns floated back in, accompanied by Nico.

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