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"Lay off it Hermione, they aren't a threat. Not to us anyway, we can take anything". He then flexed his non-existent biceps, causing Ron and Hermione to laugh. "I suppose you're right", Hermione sighed. "I just can't shake the feeling that-". She was cut short by a bloodcurdling scream. A scream, that came from the room of the exchange students.

Harry and Ron, convinced that someone was being murdered, started running up the stairs. Before Hermione could warn them of what would happen, the staircase disappeared, and they 2 boys fell on the ground, with Ron clutching his knee. "What the bloody hell was that", Ron groaned, rolling around. "I tried to warn you, it just disappears, nobody can get through". At that moment, Professor McGonagall showed up, rushing up the stairs. "Proffesor wait, the stair-", Hermione called, but it was too late.

Professor McGonagall ran up the stairs, and they didn't collapse? Ron and Harry saw this as their chance to try again, and they started to run up the stairs, before falling through them? This was the weird things that she wanted to talk about. While McGonagall went through to the side of the exchange students to see if everything was alright, Hermione reprimanded both Harry, and Ron, "This is what I meant when I am saying that the exchange students have some weird stuff going on with them. Screaming, staircases that we cant go through, and you can pass through, and you guys kept ignoring it".

Eventually, she stopped and sighed. "Well, its past midnight now, we should probably sleep. Good night guys". "Night Mione", Harry and Ron responded in unison. Hermione gave Ron a goodnight kiss, and she left to go up the womens staircase. She saw McGonagall leaving, and waved her good night. McGonagall must not have noticed, because she kept going down the stairs, her brow furrowed. Hermione wondered what that was all about. She got in her bed, all the other 'roommates' of hers asleep. She closed her eyes, and waited for the nightmares to consume her.

Sorry for not updating in a week, I had a 4 day weekend and we had family over so I was busy and stuff. short update I know, but I should have another part out soon. comment down below how you want me to change stuff up. do you want longer parts? comment down below!


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