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Percy smiled. "Well you havent been the nicest person to me. In fact not even close, but we are still on the same side of the war, so I think it would be nicer if we didn't have rivalries inside our army, and instead look out for each other. You follow?", Percy asked. Harry chuckled. "Alright then, truce?", he asked. "Why make it temporary?", Percy asked in response.

Harry inclined his head. "Fair point. We should probably get back to the potion. By the way, you still totally managed to mess that up. You didnt do anything from the book right". Percy chuckled. "Don't worry, we'll be fine, just trust me. I wouldn't be this laid-back if I didn't know what I was doing".

Professor Slughorn walked around the room, examining each and every single potion. He stopped at Hermione and Annabeth's table. "You both have extreme potential. Look". He pointed at most of the potions around the classroom, excluding Percy and Harry's. " you had one of the best potions in the clss without speaking to each other. Had you worked together, you would have by far made the best potion in this class. Now you have to focus, and get petty rivalries out of the way. Understood?", he asked.

"Understood", both girls repeated. "Good. Moving on...", Slughorn trailed off. He was right in front of their table. He looked at their potion. Harry gulped. "Are you sure about this Percy", he whispered as discreetly as he could. "Don't worry about it", Percy responded. He was hiding his grin. He wanted to see how this was going to play out. He kept his eyes on Harry this entire time.

"H-how, w-wha-, huh?", Professor Slughorn said. He was at a loss for words. Harry kept getting more and more nervous. Then the bombshell dropped. "How did you create this potion functionally at all, yet alone perfectly?", Slughorn asked. Harry's jaw dropped. Most of the class was gawking at them. "We are nearly out of time, so I cant say much else, but I would like for the 2 of you to keep working together for the rest of the year, looks like you guys have great chemistry together". With that, he dismissed them.

As they walked through the hallways to their DADA lesson together, Harry looked at Percy, and said, "I know this is Ron's line, but what the bloody hell happened back there?", he asked. Percy looked back at Harry and took a bow in the middle of a crowded hallway. "A magician never reveals his secrets". "But seriously, what was that?", he asked once again. "Some talents from my fathers side of the family, Im pretty good with water and other liquids. One might even say I could control them". He heard a gasp. Harry smiled. "So how did you all get into Gryffindor anyway?", Harry asked. 

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