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"You are not dying again till you get grandkids, you hear me?", Thalia asked. "Sure", Jason murmered, not so discreetly looking at Piper. Piper, blushed in return.

Percy looked back at McGonagall. "How did you know something had happened?", he asked. "I could hear it, obviously", she replied. Percy felt his eyes harden. "Do whatever it takes so that our screams will not get out of this room. We don't need that. You hear me?", Percy spoke, his voice low. McGonagall nodded, and spoke, "muffliato". Percy understood what would happen.

He looked back at McGonagall. "There isn't by any chance a spell that will give us dreamless sleep right?", he asked. McGonagall raised an eyebrow before giving her response. "No, but there are potions-". "THANK YOU BYE", Percy half screamed, running down the stairs, noticing there was nobody in the common room. Guess they all fell asleep.

Percy sprinted as fast as he could to Slughorn's room. He knew all the teachers had been informed of their 'demigodishness', as Leo would say. He knocked on the door and went inside, saw professor Flitwick inside just floating, went back outside, closed the door slowly, and ran to the room of Slughorn, using his inner instinct this time.

He opened the door, and carefully looked inside and sighed in relief, seeing Slughorn organizing his drawer. He walked inside, and called out, "Professor, there is something I need help with. Slughorn looked alarmed, before his eyes landed on Percy and said, "ah yes Percy, what can I do for you?". "Can you make me a potion where I dont get any dreams?", he asked. Slughorn responded quickly. "Sure, I can get them to you in 24 hours. Sorry, they aren't available now". "No problem professor, thank you!", Percy said, running back.

"Guys, I got-". Percy stopped himself. Everyone was asleep. He sighed, and walked into his room. He passed Annabeth, and lingered for a moment, before kissing her on the forehead and whispering, "good night Annabeth". He got into his bed, on the other side of the room, and slept, knowing the nightmares, and volunteering himself to be swallowed by them, if only for one day.

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